Comment 8 for bug 380446

Revision history for this message
Andrew Cowie (afcowie) wrote :

> Split the binary package into two separate packages for java and jni files

Hm. That sounds strange, but I only see one .deb and that's right.

Just to be clear, though, to avoid potential future misunderstandings:

The Java (.jar) and C (.so) parts of java-gnome are 100% tightly coupled. They are not API / ABI compatible between different releases, and there is no public API on the JNI side. So seeing "separate binary packages" sounds dangerously like someone is wanting to create two independent binary products from one source tree, though I only see one .deb which seems correct.


The loading of native code by Java programs being frought with difficulty and a very common source of nightmare for developers and users. We went to significant (and quite innovative) lengths to engineer this problem out entirely.

> Remove the hard coded version of jni .so file.

I'm not sure what that meant. I suspect it just meant cleaning up previous packaging work.

When I looked, however, I found something called 01_change_jni_library_location.diff You do not need that patch at all. Instead, just use the confgure line:

./configure prefix=/usr jardir=/usr/share/java libdir=/usr/lib/jni jdk=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java

(based on reading and where the libdir option gets you what you were trying to do with the patch. It is, however, *critical* that you use configure to tell the build system about where the .jar and .so are to end up, because that information is propegated elsewhere.

Incidentally, Debian, Gentoo and Fedora's requirements have been catered for since the beginning. If you do need something that usptream doesn't do, then upstream will change to accomodate it because it is important to us that the experience using a package and the experience building from source be the same. That's why libdir= and jardir= overrides are offered to packagers.


Oh, from the build log:

> # We don't install this one
> rm -f debian/tmp/usr/lib/

We don't create that file [not since, oh, mid java-gnome 4.0.7? March 2008 at the latest] so no need to remove it :)


I appreciate all the hard work of the people packaging java-gnome for Ubuntu and Debian. I've met Manu and Guillaume before, of course, but it'd be nice to get to know the others. You're welcome to join us on IRC or via mailing lists. Cheers.