Comment 10 for bug 399071

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package update-motd - 3.3-0ubuntu1

update-motd (3.3-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low

  [ Dustin Kirkland ]
  * control, dirs, install, rules: this package is now just a placeholder,
    depending on libpam-modules which provides pam_motd; empty out the
    installed contents of this package; leaving the sources in bzr for
    historical purposes (ah, memories); LP: #399071, #400131

  [ Loïc Minier ]
  * Call dh_installchangelogs to install debian/changelog in /usr/share/doc.
  * Drop references to build-stamp, configure-stamp and the configure target
    ase these aren't used.
  * Call dh_* with -i in binary-indep.
  * Strip boilerplate from rules.
  * Drop useless dirs from debian/dirs.
  * Drop unused/bogus po-debconf from build-deps.
  * Use debian/manpages instead of args to dh_installman for consistency.

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Thu, 16 Jul 2009 17:33:44 -0500