Pages matching "bzr memoryerror" in Launchpad

120 of 2760 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"
  • The first thing to check is that you're using the current bzr release - probably 2.5b2 is the best bet
  • It entails checking out the netbsd source code, then runing "bzr init", "bzr add" and "bzr commit". If you check the source tree, you'll find no large files at all. But there are _many_ directories and files.
  • I'm getting out of memory error during the commit operation (it stalls for a while showing 'Saving data locally - Stage:repacking texts:texts 14/175') and then aborts. It's a relatively small repository, and the commit renames 3 files and modifies another 20.
  • When I tried to make a commit I got: --- bzr: out of memory Use -Dmem_dump to dump memory to a file. --- How can I fix this issue? OS: Windows 7 bzr: bzr-2.4.0-1-setup.exe
  • Bazaar is the main version control system used by Launchpad, a project of Canonical, and part of the GNU System. To find out more about Bazaar, join us in #bzr on, write to us at bazaar@ lists.canonical .com, or see the web page below. Bazaar offers Ubuntu users three PPAs:
  • Answers. You can browse the source code for the development focus branch or get a copy of the branch using the command: bzr branch lp:bzr. There are download files available for Bazaar. Bazaar has 17 active reviews . See all merge proposals . Bazaar has 567 active branches owned by 162 people and 7 teams.
  • Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application for using the Bazaar Version Control System. It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality.
  • bzr-builder is the Bazaar plugin that helps you set up daily builds in Launchpad. You need to install it locally to test your recipes and builds before you send them to Launchpad. Installation. The easiest way to install bzr-builder is to simply apt-get install bzr-builder.
  • Bazaar helps people collaborate on software development, by recording the history of the project, providing an easy means to copy the history around, and making it easy to merge changes between projects.
  • First step would be to install bzr. Open up a terminal and type: sudo aptitude install bzr. Now we should make sure bzr knows who we are: bzr whoami "Your Name <your@email>". bzr launchpad-login USERNAME.
  • Here is the log from that commit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mon 2010-09-20 14:27:52 -0400 0.172 bazaar version: 2.1.1 0.172 bzr arguments: [u'qsubprocess', u'--bencode', u'l6:commit2:-m41:Added read in and process FPGA output.sce16:Output Plot Data23:toolbox/DSP toolbox....
  • The Bazaar 2.6 series. Until the final beta, releases will be made from trunk so the associated branch is lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/ and will eventually switch to lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.6 when the later is created.
  • QBzr provides a GUI frontend for many core bzr commands and several universal dialogs and helper commands. The qbzr equivalents for core bzr commands have the same names as the CLI commands but with a 'q' prefix.
  • Everything seemed fine until I tried to use BZR from my home PC (I set it all up at work). The path is different from one PC to the next as the location of Dropbox varies very slightly. This isn't a problem for my Python scripts as I can put an if statement in to switch automatically.
  • Similarly, you can get hold of code from the Banshee music player's Subversion repository as a Bazaar branch with: $ bzr branch lp:banshee. Wherever code originates, visit its overview page in Launchpad to find the Bazaar command to download it to your own machine and create a local branch.
  • There are many plugins listed on the plugin registry page and in the launchpad project. Some of the most popular plugins are bzr-gtk (graphical interface), bzrtools (general utilities), bzr-email (send mail on commit) and bzr-svn (two-way integration with Subversion).
  • I ran `bzr check`, which found nothing wrong. SysInternal's Process Explorer does not find any process using that file. (http:// technet. microsoft. com/en-gb/sysinternals /bb896653. aspx) I then ran `bzr update`, which worked for a time and then failed to rename again: {{{bzr: ERROR: Failed to rename B:/apps/ leo-editor/.bzr/checkout/ limbo ...
  • 1 Invalid, 15 Fix Released. Download files for this release. After you've downloaded a file, you can verify its authenticity using its MD5 sum or signature. ( How do I verify a download? Release notes. This release of Bazaar makes the 2a (previously 'brisbane-core') format. the default when new branches or repositories are created. This format is
  • A simple vim plugin to run bzr commands and display their output in a scratch buffer.
  • Highlighting of differences between files, "browsable" log view, commit only some files without listing them all on the command line, etc. QBzr provides a GUI frontend for many core bzr commands and several universal dialogs and helper commands.
120 of 2760 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"