Pages matching "Kazam" in Launchpad

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120 of 163000 other pages matching "Kazam"
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that can capture and save videos in VP8/WebM format. It supports sound from any PulseAudio-supported device and has various options for customization and editing. You can download it from Ubuntu Universe repository or from
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.
  • Description. Downloads. kazam-1.4.0.tar.gz ( md5, sig ) Kazam Screencaster 1.4.0. 68 last downloaded 21 weeks ago. kazam-1.3.101.tar.gz ( md5, sig ) Kazam Screencaster 1.3.101 tarball. 1,363 last downloaded 21 weeks ago. Total downloads: 1,431. 1.3.100 (NX-01) release from the unstable series released 2012-12-23. File. Description. Downloads.
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio. Where to get it?
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio. Where to get it?
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio. Where to get it?
  • This series contains the latest and greatest features in Kazam, however as a result it will be a bit unstable. If you want the very bleeding edge features and don't mind doing a bit of bug reporting, this series is for you :)
  • Kazam provides a well designed and easy to use interface for capturing screencasts and screenshots. It can record desktop video and multiple audio streams simultaneously with control over audio levels and the screen region being captured. . Support for H264 and VP8 codecs is built in.
  • This series contains the latest and greatest features in Kazam, however as a result it will be a bit unstable. If you want the very bleeding edge features and don't mind doing a bit of bug reporting, this series is for you :) 1 → 2 of 2 results First ...
  • View milestones for Kazam Screencaster; View releases for the Kazam Screencaster stable series
  • Kazam provides a well designed and easy to use interface for capturing screencasts and screenshots. It can record desktop video and multiple audio streams simultaneously with control over audio levels and the screen region being captured. .
  • Kazam Screencaster stable series. This series contains the bug fixes that filter down from the unstable branch, as well as new features every periodic release. However to keep the stuff in here as stable, you will not get new features immediately. If you just want stability and are not too fussed about the latest and greatest, this series is ...
  • Kazam stable builds. PPA description. Builds for stable series. Maintenance and bugfixes in the current stable series. Adding this PPA to your system. You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:kazam-team/stable-series to your system's Software Sources. ( Read about installing )
  • Kazam provides a well designed and easy to use interface for capturing screencasts and screenshots. It can record desktop video and multiple audio streams simultaneously with control over audio levels and the screen region being captured. . Support for H264 and VP8 codecs is built in.
  • Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. Optionally you can record sound from any sound input device that is supported and visible by PulseAudio.
  • Kazam provides a well designed and easy to use interface for capturing screencasts and screenshots. It can record desktop video and multiple audio streams simultaneously with control over audio levels and the screen region being captured. . Support for H264 and VP8 codecs is built in.
  • Kazam provides a well designed and easy to use interface for capturing screencasts and screenshots. It can record desktop video and multiple audio streams simultaneously with control over audio levels and the screen region being captured. . Support for H264 and VP8 codecs is built in.
120 of 163000 other pages matching "Kazam"