Pages matching "bzr memoryerror" in Launchpad

120 of 2820 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"
  • The first thing to check is that you're using the current bzr release - probably 2.5b2 is the best bet
  • It entails checking out the netbsd source code, then runing "bzr init", "bzr add" and "bzr commit". If you check the source tree, you'll find no large files at all. But there are _many_ directories and files.
  • I'm getting out of memory error during the commit operation (it stalls for a while showing 'Saving data locally - Stage:repacking texts:texts 14/175') and then aborts. It's a relatively small repository, and the commit renames 3 files and modifies another 20.
  • When I tried to make a commit I got: --- bzr: out of memory Use -Dmem_dump to dump memory to a file. --- How can I fix this issue? OS: Windows 7 bzr: bzr-2.4.0-1-setup.exe
  • Bazaar is the main version control system used by Launchpad, a project of Canonical, and part of the GNU System. To find out more about Bazaar, join us in #bzr on, write to us at bazaar@ lists.canonical .com, or see the web page below. Bazaar offers Ubuntu users three PPAs:
  • Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application for using the Bazaar Version Control System. It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality.
  • Here is the log from that commit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mon 2010-09-20 14:27:52 -0400 0.172 bazaar version: 2.1.1 0.172 bzr arguments: [u'qsubprocess', u'--bencode', u'l6:commit2:-m41:Added read in and process FPGA output.sce16:Output Plot Data23:toolbox/DSP toolbox....
  • This a bugfix release over the 2.6 series focusing on test issues triggered by. various python 2.7 updates. All known fixed bugs are included here. Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.
  • The Bazaar 2.6 series. Until the final beta, releases will be made from trunk so the associated branch is lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/ and will eventually switch to lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.6 when the later is created.
  • => bzr: out of memory => Use -Dmem_dump to dump memory to a file. I tried many things to resolve the issue, including the command 'repack' but nothing seems to resolve this issue.
  • As bzr list the files and ask for confirmation before actually deleting I think its not too easy for a user mistake to pass through. Alternatively, we could show a better error message than WindowsError and exit but a warning may be nicer in some situations.
  • Run command: bzr branch "C:/Documents and Settings/Bruce/My Documents/ Bruce/Outdoor/ Cave/Therion Data and Notes/th_ FloraCaveSystem Data/trunk"...
  • This archive contains the latest release or release candidate of bzr, bzr-gtk and bzrtools, built for all currently supported Ubuntu releases.
  • Everything seemed fine until I tried to use BZR from my home PC (I set it all up at work). The path is different from one PC to the next as the location of Dropbox varies very slightly. This isn't a problem for my Python scripts as I can put an if statement in to switch automatically.
  • * When a missing referenced chk root error is encountered, bzr now suggests running ``bzr reconcile --canonicalize-chks``. (Jelmer Vernooij) * When pushing a specific revision, create the new working tree at that revision. (#484516, Neil Martinsen-Burrell) Documentation ***** * Clarify ``bzr config`` usages especially around other option ...
  • When doing bzr branch with the source on a remote machine, the memory usage of the "bzr" python process seems to grow to approximately the size of the branch. This is not a big problem, but prevents running multiple "bzr branch" in parallel.
  • I am using the version 2.0.2 of bazaar on my windows workstation and version 2.0.1 on a linux server using the bzr smart server protocol. It has worked perfectly up until I installed version 2.0.0. Here is my scenario:
  • 1 Invalid, 15 Fix Released. Download files for this release. After you've downloaded a file, you can verify its authenticity using its MD5 sum or signature. ( How do I verify a download? Release notes. This release of Bazaar makes the 2a (previously 'brisbane-core') format. the default when new branches or repositories are created. This format is
  • I ran `bzr check`, which found nothing wrong. SysInternal's Process Explorer does not find any process using that file. (http:// technet. microsoft. com/en-gb/sysinternals /bb896653. aspx) I then ran `bzr update`, which worked for a time and then failed to rename again: {{{bzr: ERROR: Failed to rename B:/apps/ leo-editor/.bzr/checkout/ limbo ...
  • Is it normal for initial (after-boot) command to take a few seconds? Here's the example - when I first run e.g. "bzr status" in my working copy, it takes ~ 4 seconds for processing. Every next call is OK, but this first one seems a bit long for rather small project. I noticed similar behavior in every other project I have here.
120 of 2820 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"