Pages matching "synaptic package manager" in Launchpad

115 of 152000 pages matching "synaptic package manager"
  • The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. A newer version of synaptic is available for packaging: synaptic unknown. Fetching package details ... Fetching package details ...
  • synaptic ⇒ main. The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier.
  • The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. Bug supervisor: no. Bug tracker: yes. Branch: yes. Translations: yes. A newer version of synaptic is available for packaging: synaptic unknown. Show upstream links.
  • Synaptic is a graphical package management tool based on GTK+ and APT. Synaptic enables you to install, upgrade and remove software packages in a user friendly way.
  • The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. Bug supervisor: no. Bug tracker: yes. Branch: yes. A newer version of synaptic is available for packaging: synaptic unknown. Show upstream links.
  • synaptic synaptic synaptic The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. 2004-12-17 00:00:00 UTC C++ Active 2004-12-17 00:00:00 UTC C++ Active
  • synaptic ⇒ main. The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier.
  • The developers of the synaptic package manager. Related packages Related projects Team details Email: Log in for email information. Owner: Michael Vogt Created on: 2010-03-23 Languages: English Membership policy: Moderated Team All members 4 active ...
  • The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier. Bug supervisor: no Bug tracker: yes
  • synaptic ⇒ main. The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier.
  • Personal Package Archives (PPA) allow you to upload Ubuntu source packages to be built and published as an apt repository by Launchpad. You can find out more about PPAs and how to use them in our help page.
  • synaptic ⇒ main. The synaptic package manager is a graphical frontend for apt and makes manages the software installed on the computer easier.
  • To install sbackup using Synaptic package manager, just add the repository to your software source as described below and then select 'sbackup' within Synaptic. Adding this PPA to your system. You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:sbackup-team/stable to your system's Software Sources.
  • Ubuntu Builder is a simple tool to create your own distribution. It allows to download, extract, customize in many ways and rebuild the ubuntu images. You can customize i386 and amd64 desktop ISO images.
  • A full configuration manager for JWM, enabling the average user the ability to customize JWM to their liking. Built using FLTK and pugixml, this is a fast and light application to configure one of the fastest lightest Window Managers.
115 of 152000 pages matching "synaptic package manager"