Registered by Israel Dahl

A full configuration manager for JWM, enabling the average user the ability to customize JWM to their liking. Built using FLTK and pugixml, this is a fast and light application to configure one of the fastest lightest Window Managers. This project is a part of Tori OS, which aims to be Fast and Light, so older computers can have a modern desktop that functions well, and looks beautiful.
This program is very fast, and light, but does not sacrifice beauty in design for efficiency

The goal of this project is to make the fastest, cleanest, most beautiful configuration manager for JWM. Currently there is no way of doing this in Ubuntu, and all configuration is done by editing an XML file. This can be very dangerous for the user, especially an inexperienced one. This utility will provide a safe way for inexperienced users to configure their desktop, as well as provide safe restoration of the default interface.

The main goal is to provide the ability to configure every aspect of JWM imaginable, within an interface that is simple, and straight-forward. The user needs to have access to all the options, but in a way that is not overwhelming, or confusing.
Both the casual and power user will be able to use the program without limitation, or confusion.

The secondary goal is to make the application look professional, beautiful and refined.

Anyone who wants to contribute is welcome, and the application is licensed GPL, so forks are also welcome.

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  • So stable with pugi on 2019-01-27
    JWM Settings Manager has been extremely stable and worked so well for so long...
  • Bug fixes and new features on 2017-12-29
    There have been a lot of little paper cuts floating around, and some recent r...
  • JWM Settings Manager 2.0 on 2017-01-29
    I am just going to release this. It fixes so many bugs and adds so many feat...
  • Much development on 2015-04-22
    There has been a huge rewriting of the CMakeLists to create the themes. Makin...
  • JWM Alpha version 0.43!!! on 2014-08-18
    The alpha version is progressing very well, and there are a lot of new improv...