Registered by Andrew Sellers

Ain't Easy realizes that life just ain't easy. Between tests, projects for work, and any number of events you want to attend, life can get very stressed. That's where Ain't Easy comes in, just add your event, goal, project and give a expected due date, then drag any web page, file, or just some text into it, and it'll add it as a reference. Although there are more full-featured project managers out there, Ain't Easy want to be as easy as possible to just pick up and use, because Life Ain't Easy.

Language is Python, Quickly is used throughout. Any major feature needs its own branch, but minor bug-fixes can be added to trunk. Requested new features need to start out as Blueprints, and then someone can get started coding on them. This is supposed to be a simple task management system, so it doesn't need every single feature under the sun. For instance, categories are a common feature among similar applications. Ain't Easy will implement this feature by allowing goals to be assigned to categories, and categories can belong to groupings. Groupings may not include groupings. It is a simple, yet effective implementation of the categorizing of goals.

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Andrew Sellers
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