Registered by Johan Kiviniemi

Synchronizes the ‘automatically installed’ status of packages between apt, aptitude, debfoster and deborphan.

Currently apt, aptitude, debfoster and deborphan each keep their own status database of which packages have been installed manually (i.e. the user requested their installation) and which have been installed automatically (i.e. they were installed as dependencies of manually installed packages).

apt-mark-sync reads the status for each package from one of the databases and writes it to the others. For instance, if you set a package as manually installed in debfoster and run ‘apt-mark-sync debfoster apt aptitude’, both apt and aptitude consider it to be manually installed.

Note that it’s not recommended to use apt as a sync source, since it’s much easier to manage the packages’ auto-installed status with debfoster, deborphan or aptitude.

See apt-mark-sync(1) for more information.

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Johan Kiviniemi
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