Registered by Ian Ross Williams

ArcSecond is a GUI based image processing system developed as part of the enjoyment of amateur astronomy. The algorithms are implemented with Python using a lot of open-source libraries.

* Image registration (Fourier, Fourier with Canny filter, or Geometric Median methods).
* Image Stacking (Mean, Median, Rank, Kappa-sigma, SVD, Kalman, Spectral-Rank, Multi-Frame-Blind-Deconvolution, Reverse-Convection)
* RAW Colour image demosaic (Vector Median method)
* Image ranking (Entropy, SNR, Gradient, Correlation)
* Image filtering (Wavelet, Median, Fourier de-stripe).

Since the time of the first telescopes, astronomy has always had a following of amateurs who make their own equipment for their own enlightenment and entertainment. So, after making my own standard 8" f/6 telescope I wanted to take some pictures. But when I went in search for open-source tools for image capture and processing I was disappointed to find that the majority of the software available was commercial or closed-source.

The goal of this project is to produce a GUI tool to process amateur astronomy images. The GUI and the code are intended to be (or at least become) accessible for other amateur astronomers who want to learn about the techniques of image processing. As such, I've chosen a high level programming language with good numerical and scientific libraries available (i.e Python).

There are many good academic techniques documented in journals and on academic web-sites that have not yet made it into even the commercial image processing tools. This project is intended to be modular so that new techniques can be added readily.

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Ian Ross Williams
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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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