Comment 2 for bug 895342

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Teleros (teleros) wrote :

AS - no the RA3 Spy works like so: you click it's special ability button, click the target unit / point, and it takes over all units within the radius of the target for a few thousand credits. For RA2 you could use a normal ranged weapon or a deploying weapon.

Athena Cannon - also might be an issue if it can move and use this ability. Might be useful in a non-vehicle / unit role (Allied wannabe-Iron Curtain?).

Mirage Tank - what do you mean? I'd've thought the lag issue would be worse if you had a genuinely mobile stealth generator (ie no "deploy to stealth generator building" stuff).

Hydrofoil - good point, if we can get EMP "beams" like that then this one is already taken care of.

Bullfrog - :D

I guess I also should've explained a few other things as well:

1. The Cryobeam is like an EMP. You fire it at something, and after a while (determined by size / health / whatever of the target) the target is frozen solid, and goes all blue. When you stop firing, after a few seconds it returns to normal. Blue animation could be stolen from the Forcefield or Iron Curtain (as they both colour SHPs and voxels).

2. The Hammer tank, after firing for long enough, steals a weapon from the enemy tank permanently. Ie fire it at an IFV and it'll eventually steal the missile launcher from it.

3. The Harbinger Gunship doesn't actually land: when built it goes up into the air and stays there, looping around the airfield it was built at. Flight is like normal aircraft, but when attacking it loops around targets as well.