Comment 19 for bug 662204

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gbastien (gbastien02) wrote :

Ok so problems in order...

1- When clicking administrative signin, it actually leads to a page that returns a 401 and then redirects to the login page. So I guess your server is set to prompt for username/password on 401. I'm not sure how to solve that... I'll ask Philippe for some advice. Unless you know... Could it be in the web.config file?

2- What do you mean doesn't install correctly? I've been able to create an account from the admin interface and login without apparent errors. But it should be impossible to click on the link to configure the plugin if the plugin is not enabled, that causes errors.

3- Yes yes the caching, haven't thought of that but every plugin installl or plugin enable request clears the cache, but if the server has cache disabled because it caused errors, then I guess trying to clear it will cause errors too! So we shouldn't do that if cache is not enabled at all on the server...

But why doesn't the caching work? Do you have access to any logs? Or maybe try to enable caching on dev so you can see what the errors with frontend_dev.php. Or if you allow me, I could play around with your server.