Registered by Erik Ridderby

A cross platform note-taking software inspired by KDE Basket and Microsoft OneNote.

Since I discovered the KDE application Basket I have been looking for a similar software working on both Windows and Linux. I found none.

So, here it is. A cross platform note-taking software built only using Qt. It is inspired by Basket and Microsoft OneNote rewritten for Qt, thus the name Basqet.

The aim is that a basket shall contain tagged notes (text, pictures, HTML-links etc), as well as tagged data in list-form with filters etc. It shall be possible to use arrows to connect notes, and possibly to add symbols like boxes, squares, UML etc.

My vision is that a user shall be able to create new forms using Qt Creator and perform basic data validation and forms logic using Qt Java Scripts. We'll see how far we will get.
I also have a vision to make it a client server software for real time collaboration around a whiteboard with motes.

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Erik Ridderby
Not yet selected

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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