Registered by Drew Smathers

At the surface the beatlounge is fun-loving series of adventures, a sprinkling of misadventures and burnt remains of dirty secrets in the realm of computer music, haptic interfaces, and dustings of digital signal processing (DSP). Most of the beatlounge exists in mind and spirit, while its palpable form is an ever evolving wet sculpture of software, twisting and bending, rising and collapsing as it evolves in shape with such energy that it's skin forms boiling blisters that swell and pop from the heat. That is to say, a mortal who enters the beatlounge today, will complain tomorrow about some function they liked so much now in the grips of deprecation and on the fast track towards obsolescence.

current features:

* Isochronous scheduler based on configured tempo and meter.
* Pluggable clock synchronization (System Time and Midi Beat Clock)
* Pluggable backends for virtual instruments (current implementations are pyfluidsynth and generic)
* A high-level interface for virtual instrument players
* Arpeggiators, drum sequencers, and general pattern generators
* Constants mapping musical notes/chords/scales to MIDI note values and some fun-loving functions over those things: chord inversions, and some crazy (as in crazy awesome) thing we've dubbed grasshoppers
* A python console-based live-coding environment (beatlounge)
* Some OSC utilities leveraging txosc and mappings to popular embedded OSC applications (touchosc, andosc, wiimote - via osculator)
* A (malas palabras)y beat slicing algorithm that can almost sound boss given the right conditions
* A grab bag of almost good things that are about to get tossed and completely rewritten with a different API.
* Unit tests! Did I say they run fast?
* Some things we'd rather not talk about.

Project information

Drew Smathers
Not yet selected
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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