
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials 0.0.1ubuntu4-series-trunk trunk None basic functionality, importing content from selected forum tutorials
Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials 0.0.1ubuntu4 hardy None
Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials boucft0.0.4rc "Patroclus" jaunty 2009-10-24 Added more forum tutorials. Worked on formating bugs.
Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials boucft-trunk-0.0.4rc "Patroclus" trunk 2009-10-24 Added a lot more tutorials and how-tos from the Ubuntu Community Forum.
Best of the Ubuntu Community Forums Tutorials boucft0.0.2 "Achille" trunk 2009-09-16 packaging re worked by jgoguen. More tutorials added by duanedesign