This is an utility project for parsing and analyzing Breivik's hidden, obfuscated URL geo-codes in the Breivik's Manifesto: "2083: A European Declaration of Independence"
It seems these codes are random coordinates pointing to large cities and possible terror attack targets around Europe. All the rest of the data in URLs seems to be randomly typed based on left-hand right-hand statistical analysis. The left and right alternate too often to be uniformly distributed, which is consistent with two-handed random typing.
This code uses pyngram Python module for N-gram calculation.
You can install it in Debian/Ubuntu by typing:
sudo pip install pyngram
The codes are all included in UTF-8 encoding in the codes.utf8 file. Note the two Serbian alphabets at the ends of the codes.
At the moment, this application prints out Google Maps links corresponding to each of the codes along with corresponding info. Additionally, an N-gram analysis of the numbers is done and the output is printed to out.txt file.
You will probably want to implement your own analysis routines in the code.
The site dedicated for the research of these codes:
Wiki site for findings:
Wikipedia page about Anders Behring Breivik:
This code is provided as-is, without warranty, to use in any way you want.
This code is released under:
Simplified BSD License
Copyright: Tero Keski-Valkama (tero.keski-
Project information
- Maintainer:
- Tero Keski-Valkama
- Driver:
- Not yet selected
- Licence:
- Simplified BSD Licence
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.