Unredirected fullscreen windows freeze and stay on top when wall sliding (Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right)

Bug #1084401 reported by Daniel van Vugt
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Fix Released
Daniel van Vugt
Fix Released
Daniel van Vugt
Compiz Core
Fix Released
Daniel van Vugt
compiz (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Daniel van Vugt
Fix Released
Timo Jyrinki
Fix Released
Timo Jyrinki

Bug Description


Wall slide (ctrl+alt+left/right) from an unredirected fullscreen window results in window staying visible but freezing.

[Test Case]

Try a wall slide from unredirected fullscreen application.

[Regression Potential]

Low, should at worst cause unredirecting not to work in some cases (performance affecting only).


When I do a wall slide (Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right) from a (unredirected) fullscreen window, the window stays visible but freezes. It remains always on top, rendering the other workspaces unusable.

I'm hoping this is limited to nvidia (nvidia-current 304.51.really.304.43-0ubuntu1).

Related branches

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Blindly slide back to the workspace where the window came from and either close it or un-fullscreen.

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Workaround (2)
Blindly slide back to the workspace where the window came from and force a new window to open above the fullscreen window. e.g. Ctrl+Alt+T. Now the fullscreen window is no longer on top an is redirected again. So you can slide.

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Weird. This only seems to happen with wall. If you use cube+rotate it works fine.

Changed in compiz:
assignee: nobody → Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt)
status: Triaged → In Progress
Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
importance: Undecided → High
Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Workaround (3)
Trigger expo (Super+E or Super+S) and switch workspaces that way.

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
status: New → In Progress
assignee: nobody → Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt)
Changed in compiz-core:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → High
milestone: none →
Changed in compiz:
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
milestone: none → ubuntu-13.04-alpha-1
Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Fix committed to lp:compiz at revision 3497, scheduled for release in Compiz
Fix committed to lp:compiz/0.9.8 at revision 3424, scheduled for release in Compiz

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :
Download full text (5.6 KiB)

This bug was fixed in the package compiz - 1:0.9.9~daily12.12.05-0ubuntu1

compiz (1:0.9.9~daily12.12.05-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low

  [ Michael Terry ]
  * debian/control:
    - Update Vcs-Bzr
  * debian/patches/100_expo_layout.patch:
    - Fix to apply
  * Automatic snapshot from revision 3451 (bootstrap)
    - Fix crash from writing to static memory (LP: #1065814)
    - Fix maximized windows changing workspaces (LP: #1071791)
    - Respect Zoom Factor setting (LP: #1066187)
    - Respect Show Window Title setting (LP: #1009999)
    - Restore text background transparency (LP: #1042132)
    - Restore screenshot selection rectangle transparency (LP: #1047788)
    - Restore top and bottom cube transparency (LP: #1048272)
    - Fix scaleaddon window highlighting being solid (LP #1068503)
    - Make resize hint overlay disappear when changing edges (LP: #839602)
    - Preserve grid IDs during drag (LP: #1067812, LP: #1048855)
    - Save current display before doing snap preview (LP: #1068173)
    - Ignore inactive keybindings (LP: #1053280)
    - Handle <primary> in keyboard shortcuts (LP: #936840)
    - Make sure showdesktop plugin is loaded after unityshell (LP: #1067534)
    - Fix grid build failure (LP: #1067577)
    - Fix Jenkins test failures (LP: #1058577)
    - Don't allow duplicate static symbols when linking (LP: #1067964)
    - Make external templates C++0x compatible (LP: #1067598)
    - Make sure to initialize class members (LP: #1033877)
    - Don't duplicate templates in plugins (LP: #1066793, LP: #1066803,
      LP: #1066804, LP: #1066805, LP: #1066799, LP: #1066796,
      LP: #1066795, LP: #1066798, LP: #1067218, LP: #1067219)
    - Don't needlessly set gsettings keys (LP: #1064791)
    - Remove unused code (LP: #1037142, LP: #1067234)
    - Fix syntax highlighting for trunk xml files (LP: #1066823)
    - Fix documentation for building with python2 (LP: #1070211)

  [ Stephen M. Webb ]
  * Windows open below panel and launcher, grid does not work at all,
    window animations missing, and general plugin chaos if built on
    raring (cmake >= 2.8.10) (LP: #1085581)

  [ Iven Hsu ]
  * KDE Appmenu doesn't work with compiz decorators (LP: #1082265)
  * compiz fails to build from source in KDE4-window-decorator
    with latest KDE 4.10 beta (LP: #1082152)
  * kde4-window-decorator crashes when starting up with oxygen theme
    (LP: #1050776)

  [ sampo555 ]
  * Grid: Window management - resize preview does not show when moving a
    window from the semi-maximised state to the maximised state in a
    single action (LP: #1071689)

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * HTML5 video in Firefox continues to tear (LP: #1086337)

  [ MC Return ]
  * Workspacenames Plug-in: Wishlist: Default Appearance values not
    ideal (LP: #1075600)
  * Resizeinfo Plug-in: No possibility to change the color and
    transparency of the rounded background outline (LP: #1070297)
  * Resizeinfo Plug-in: Gradient color 2 and 3 settings are ignored and
    no background gradient is rendered (LP: #1070233)
  * Expo animations "Fade + Zoom" & "Vortex" result in a black screen
    (LP: #875311)
  * Workspacenames Plug-in: Wishlist: No default values...


Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
description: updated
description: updated
Changed in compiz-core:
assignee: nobody → Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt)
Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Fix committed to lp:compiz-core/0.9.7 at revision 3127, scheduled for release in Compiz Core

Changed in compiz-core:
status: Triaged → Fix Committed
Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Quantal):
status: New → In Progress
assignee: nobody → Timo Jyrinki (timo-jyrinki)
Changed in compiz-core:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Precise):
status: New → In Progress
assignee: nobody → Timo Jyrinki (timo-jyrinki)
Revision history for this message
Adam Conrad (adconrad) wrote : Please test proposed package

Hello Daniel, or anyone else affected,

Accepted compiz into quantal-proposed. The package will build now and be available at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1: in a few hours, and then in the -proposed repository.

Please help us by testing this new package. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed for documentation how to enable and use -proposed. Your feedback will aid us getting this update out to other Ubuntu users.

If this package fixes the bug for you, please add a comment to this bug, mentioning the version of the package you tested, and change the tag from verification-needed to verification-done. If it does not fix the bug for you, please add a comment stating that, and change the tag to verification-failed. In either case, details of your testing will help us make a better decision.

Further information regarding the verification process can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification . Thank you in advance!

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Quantal):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
tags: added: verification-needed
Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

Works fine for me after updating.

Revision history for this message
Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

(sorry, in 12.10)

tags: added: verification-done
removed: verification-needed
Revision history for this message
Adam Conrad (adconrad) wrote :

Hello Daniel, or anyone else affected,

Accepted compiz into precise-proposed. The package will build now and be available at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1: in a few hours, and then in the -proposed repository.

Please help us by testing this new package. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed for documentation how to enable and use -proposed. Your feedback will aid us getting this update out to other Ubuntu users.

If this package fixes the bug for you, please add a comment to this bug, mentioning the version of the package you tested, and change the tag from verification-needed to verification-done. If it does not fix the bug for you, please add a comment stating that, and change the tag to verification-failed. In either case, details of your testing will help us make a better decision.

Further information regarding the verification process can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/PerformingSRUVerification . Thank you in advance!

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Precise):
status: In Progress → Fix Committed
tags: removed: verification-done
tags: added: verification-needed
Revision history for this message
Timo Jyrinki (timo-jyrinki) wrote :

Seems to work also in precise.

tags: added: verification-done
removed: verification-needed
Revision history for this message
Scott Kitterman (kitterman) wrote : Update Released

The verification of this Stable Release Update has completed successfully and the package has now been released to -updates. Subsequently, the Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team is being unsubscribed and will not receive messages about this bug report. In the event that you encounter a regression using the package from -updates please report a new bug using ubuntu-bug and tag the bug report regression-update so we can easily find any regresssions.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package compiz - 1:

compiz (1: quantal-proposed; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - Enable Unredirect Fullscreen Windows by default. It seems to be
      stable enough with all the major graphics drivers now, as at Ubuntu
      12.10 (with updates). (LP: #1063690)
    - Grid: Reset the currently handled window in the GridWindow
      destructor only if the destroyed window was the handled one.
      (LP: #1048855) (LP: #1067812)
    - Grid: Set GridWindow->lastTarget to GridMaximize only if the
      window was fully maximized. (LP: #1071689)
  * Cherry-pick related fixes from upstream:
    - Fixed: unredirected fullscreen windows sliding offscreen were
      staying unredirected (always visible), because compiz thought
      they were fullscreen on a different monitor. Add extra smarts
      to tell the difference between fullscreen and offscreen.
      (LP: #1084401)
    - Add an option to specify which windows are allowed to be unredirected
      when they are fullscreen. Default: Allow unredirection on all window
      types except common video players: Totem, MPlayer, Vlc or Plugin-
      container (Flash or other nested browser windows). (LP: #1051802)
    - Add Firefox to the unredirect exceptions. (LP: #1086337)
 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden> Tue, 04 Dec 2012 12:41:40 +0200

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Quantal):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package compiz - 1:

compiz (1: precise-proposed; urgency=low

  [ Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak ]
  * debian/patches/revert_fix_994841.patch,
    - Removed, upstreamed
  * debian/watch:
    - Changed to the correct LP tarball path
  * debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch:
    - Updated GLES patches to properly apply to the new compiz version

  [ Timo Jyrinki ]
  * New upstream release.
    - Compiz won't start if "unredirect fullscreen windows" is enabled
      (LP: #980663)
    - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" stay on top (unredirected) even
      when they're not on top any more (or the output is transformed)
      (LP: #1041047)
    - Unredirect Fullscreen Windows sometimes fails to unredirect fullscreen
      windows at all (LP: #1041066)
    - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" stay on top (unredirected) even when
      an RGBA window is stacked above it (LP: #1046661)
    - scale mode is not visible if a fullscreen window is unredirected
      (LP: #1047168)
    - Unredirecting a fullscreen window on a secondary monitor causes that
      monitor to flicker (LP: #1050749)
    - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" makes multi-monitor rendering much
      slower (LP: #1051885)
    - [regression] Maximized window gets unredirected when it's not
      fullscreen (LP: #1053902)
    - Unredirected fullscreen windows freeze and stay on top when wall
      sliding (Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right) (LP: #1084401)
    - "Unredirect Fullscreen Windows" can cause significant tearing on
      fullscreen windows (especially playing video) on some drivers
      (LP: #1051802)
    - HTML5 video in Firefox continues to tear (LP: #1086337)
    - Add support for blacklisting some drivers from using unredirected
      fullscreen windows. By default intel and nouveau on Mesa 8.0
      are blacklisted, configurable via ccsm. Users can upgrade to
      Mesa 9.0 around 12.04.2 time. (LP: #1089246)
    - Unredirect fullscreen windows should be the default for optimal
      performance (LP: #1063690)
  * debian/patches/workaround_broken_drivers.patch:
    - Updated to apply.
  * debian/patches/force_unredirect_enabling.patch:
    - Enable unredirect_fullscreen_windows unconditionally. Because of
      gconf hurdles we can't easily migrate existing users into the
      new default otherwise. Unredirection can be easily disabled with
      the new unredirect_match option, by blanking it completely,
      including removing the '(any)' part.
  * debian/patches/compiz-package-gles2.patch:
    - Update for the new blacklisting feature as well
  * debian/patches/blacklist_no_xml_double_escaping.patch:
    - Cherry-pick fix for the default string (LP: #1091103)

  [ Michael Terry ]
  * debian/patches/blacklist_no_xml_double_escaping.patch:
    - Update to also blacklist Mesa 9.0, which precise users may have from
      the x-updates PPA. 9.0 seems to have similar problems as 8.0 on
      Intel hardware.
 -- Timo Jyrinki <email address hidden> Fri, 14 Dec 2012 10:41:24 +0200

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu Precise):
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Changed in compiz:
status: Fix Committed → Fix Released
Revision history for this message
Stephen M. Webb (bregma) wrote :

marking as closed (0.9.8 series is obsolete)

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