Registered by sbspider

This is the project dedicated to encouraging the use of the Ubuntu Family as an alternative to other operating systems - this includes both personal and enterprise usage. Our current main goal is to help facilitate the dropping of support for Windows XP from Microsoft, which is due to happen 2014 (which would mean that XP users would either have to purchase a newer OS, or an entire new computer if they did not meet technical specifications) by offering a free alternative to which users can shift to.

This is the project dedicated to encouraging the use of the Ubuntu Family as an alternative to other operating systems - this includes both personal and enterprise usage. Our current main goal is to help facilitate the dropping of support for Windows XP from Microsoft, which is due to happen 2014 (which would mean that XP users would either have to purchase a newer OS, or an entire new computer if they did not meet technical specifications) by offering a free alternative to which users can shift to.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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