scmproj: 0.4.5a1 micro-release

Written for ScmProj plugin by Alexander Belchenko on 2009-02-14

0.4.5 should be first official scmproj release. So we want to make it usable as much as possible.

Therefore we split our road to first public release 0.4.5 into series of micro-releases.
Today is the 0.4.5a1 (alpha 1) micro-release day. This micro-release is just better version
of previously announced changes in 0.4.5dev1, and it brings to you new format of project config
(where everything is optional), new better layout of control dir (that is bzr branch actually)
and some other improvements. See milestone page for details:

There is no source tarball to download, so you need to grab the sources
from lp:bzr-scmproj/0.4.5 branch.

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