bzr 2.2.4 released

Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2011-02-08

The Bazaar team is happy to announce availability of a new
release of the bzr adaptive version control system.
Bazaar is part of the GNU system <>.

Important notice:

2.3.0 will be released next Thrusday as our new stable release.
2.2.4 is targeted at people who can't afford to upgrade to the 2.3
series for packaging reasons: Ubuntu maverick users are such an example
but this may be true for other distributions.

OSX and windows users will be better served by waiting a few days for
2.3.0 (the installers are currently being build and tested).

People subscribing to the ppas will receive 2.2.4 first, quickly
followed by 2.3.0.

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