News and announcements
2.7.0 released
Written for Bazaar by Richard Wilbur on 2016-02-15
This is bzr-2.7.0, the first release in our new 2.7 stable series.
Bazaar <http://
the GNU project <http://
Thanks to everyone who contributed patches, suggestions, and feedback.
Special thanks are due Vincent Ladeuil, without whom this release
would not have made it out the door in time to be a part of the next
Ubuntu Long-Term-Support release (16.04), and from whom I have been
learning a great deal.
Bazaar is now available for download from
There is another source tarball that is nearly identical and equally
valid (signed by the same developer) available on PyPI - the Python
Package Index.[0] We used to point from PyPI to the source tarball on
launchpad, but PyPI[1] now requires us to host any downloads locally.
This requires an additional PKG-INFO file which is now part of our
normal tarball creation process. Thus, from now on there will be no
need for two tarballs.
Volunteers are welcome to build a windows and an OSX installer. When
those are created they will be available at the above link.
Bazaar is also available for *BSD through the ports ecosystem at
thanks to Matthew Fuller.
This release marks the start of a new long-term-stable series. From
here, we will only make bugfix releases on the 2.7 series (2.7.1,
etc), while 2.8 will become our new development series.
This <https:/
(20 bugs fixed) over the 2.6 series focusing on test issues triggered
by various python 2.7 updates.
All known fixed bugs are included here.
Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series. bzr 2.7
will be the last series with active python 2.6 testing and support.
Python 2.6 hasn't received any updates since v2.6.9 of 29 Oct 2013.
Python 2.7.9 of 10 Dec 2014 was the oldest version to receive a
security fix with ssl library's match_hostname.
[0] https:/
[1] https:/
PEP 0470 -- Removing External Hosting Support on PyPI
2.6.0 released
Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2013-08-04
This is bzr-2.6.0, the first release in our new 2.6 stable series.Bazaar <http://
the GNU project <http://
Thanks to everyone who contributed patches, suggestions, and feedback.
Bazaar is now available for download from
An Installer is available for OSX from the url above too.
Volunteers are welcome to build a windows one.
This release marks the start of a new long-term-stable series. From here, we
will only make bugfix releases on the 2.6 series (2.6.1, etc), while 2.7
will become our new development series.
This is a bugfix <https:/
of bugs fixed (~50 for the 2.6 series alone).
All known fixed bugs are included here.
Users are encouraged to upgrade from the other stable series.
2.6b2 released
Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2012-07-24
I'm pleased to announce the second beta for the 2.6 series: 2.6b2.
Bazaar <http://
the GNU project <http://
2.6.0 is planned to be released in August 2012.
This release includes minor bug fixes and all know bug fixes including
the ones made for the previous stable releases.
Details at <https:/
A warm thank you to all people that send feedback, suggestions, even
merge proposals making bzr better !
bzr 2.5.1 released
Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2012-05-30
Here comes our new stable release: 2.5.1
Bazaar <http://
This is a bugfix release. Upgrading is recommended for all users on earlier 2.5 releases.
2.5.1 <https:/
Thanks to all participants, whether you sent merge proposals, comments, suggestions and feedback, we very much appreciate all of them.
Bazaar is now available for download from https:/
2.6b1 released
Written for Bazaar by Vincent Ladeuil on 2012-03-21
I'm pleased to announce the first beta for the 2.6 series: 2.6b1.
Bazaar <http://
the GNU project <http://
2.6.0 is planned to be released in August 2012.
This release includes ssl certificates verification from the urllib-based
http implementation turned on by default, fixes some UI issues around
colocated branches, documentation fixes and more.
Details at <https:/
2.6b1 contains all know bug fixes including the ones made for the
previous stable releases.
A warm thank you to all people that send feedback, suggestions, even
merge proposals making bzr better !