Registered by Nick

CardMonkey is designed to allow beginner level game developer to create cross platform card games. Initially with a focus on solitaire style games, CardMonkey will eventually incorporate network features to allow the development of multiplayer games and extend the system to incorporate the majority of types card games.

CardMonkey is written in C++ though games running on the engine can be entirely coded in Lua, hiding the complexities of C++ coding while providing enough options to create unique games.

This is a redevelopment of the existing CardMonkey system that was originally build using SDL and released as closed source freeware. The license has been changed to the new BSD license and SFML is to be used as the cross platform media layer.

If you wish to get involved with this project feel free to sign up. Developers that are able to port and test on different platforms are required, graphic artists always welcome and novice programmers that would like to test and develop sample games for the system would be great.

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Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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