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110 of 39 releases

4.7.6 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

### New features:

- add -W and -Wall compiler flags
- add an help button next to the compiler flags settings, the help shows a dialog with the output of cobc --help
- add buttons to change order of copybooks and libraries in compiler settings
- improved indentation in fixed mode (TAB/SHIFT+TAB)
- add support for going to a section using F7
- updated list of COBOL keywoards for GnuCOBOL 2.x users
- updated bundled GnuCOBOL version on windows: now at GnuCOBOL 2.0rc2 (build made by Arnold Trembley, can be downloaded here:

### Fixed bugs:

- fix TypeError: start_process() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cwd' when running a module with cobcrun
- fix OutputWindow backend cannot import pyqode (search not working in output window)
- fix occasion...

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.6_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 190,184
last downloaded today
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.6-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 25) 4,218
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.6-1_all.deb (md5) Debian package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 15,091
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.6.tar.gz (md5) Source package 7,868
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 217,361

4.7.5 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Fix some compatibility issue with PyQt 5.7.

This release is intended for those who install ocide from source on a platform that is very up to date (e.g. a rolling releases such as archlinux or KaOS). Other users don't need to install this release, there won't be any packages for Windows and OSX.

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.5.tar.gz (md5) Source Package 17,116
last downloaded 3 days ago
Total downloads: 17,116

4.7.4 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Maintenance release, many bug fix and a few improvements. The biggest change is the introduction of a new program output window that supports some ANSI Escape Codes. (curses app should now run better from inside the IDE).



- a new output window with support for the most common ANSI Escape Codes.
- use a white toolbar on Windows 10
- add support for parsing exceptional messages from GnuCOBOL (e.g. when there is a configuration issue)
- improve run in external terminal on OSX (working dir is now correctly used and running a module with cobcrun should now be working)
- add ability to choose a custom working directory in the run preferences
- use -v option when checking for compiler checks

Fixed bugs:

- fix compiler path tooltip (the full path is not required since version 4.7)
- fix typo in unhandled exception dialog
- fix typo in compiler check dialog
- fix check compiler can only be used once

File Description Downloads
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.4-1_all.deb (md5) Debian package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 1,657
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.4.tar.gz (md5) Source Package 703
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.4.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Installer 11,602
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.4_Setup.exe (md5) Windows Installer 64,510
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 78,472

4.7.3 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:


- add a checkbox in the status bar to quickly switch between fixed and free format
- improve saving and restoring window state (hidden dock widgets will stay hidden).
- allow to see pyqode debug log messages
- improve logging system to easily make the distinction between the current log content and content of other instances.
- don't include full compiler path in default configuration (already set in PATH)
- update to latest qcrash:
    - split report into general and application log
    - GitHubBackend: upload log file as a gist
    - add option to save login only.
- update to latest pyqode:
    - many improvements to the cobol code folding
    - name parser works with incomplete sources (copybooks or programs which have DIVISIONS in copybooks)
    - add zoom menu to the...

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 23) 404
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3.dmg (md5) Mac OSX Installer 1,382
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.3-1_all.deb (md5) Debian package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 628
last downloaded 11 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 33,488
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.3.tar.gz (md5) Source package 232
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 36,134

4.7.2 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:


- move the crash report tool to an external package: [qcrash](
- improve the crash report tool by introducing a review dialog where you can edit the final bug report and remove any sensitive data from the report

Fixed bugs:

- fix FileNotFoundError if wrong vcvarsall path is specified
- fix issues where bad github crendentials would be stored by the bug report tool with no way to correct them



- move the crash report tool to an external package: [qcrash](
- improve the crash report tool by introducing a review dialog where you can edit the final bug report and remove any sensitive data from the report

Fixed bugs:

- fix FileNotFoundError if wrong vcvarsall path is specified
- fix issues where bad github crendentials would be stored by the bug report tool with no way to correct them

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.2.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Installer 873
last downloaded 4 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.2_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 48,705
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.2-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 23) 168
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.2-1_all.deb (md5) Debian Package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 501
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.2.tar.gz (md5) Source package 225
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 50,472

4.7.1 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Fix a few issues with the new report bug tool:


- github credentials not saved correctly
- disable sign in button before signing in
- improve system information to retrieve os name and version on OSX and GNU/Linux

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.1-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 23) 213
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.1-1_all.deb (md5) Debian Package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 189
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.1.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Installer 336
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.1.tar.gz (md5) Source package 108
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.1_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 64,497
last downloaded 24 hours ago
Total downloads: 65,343

4.7 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Starting from this version, OCIDE has entered in maintainance mode: no new
features will be accepted, only bug fixes.

We are working a new IDE: HackEdit. This new IDE will have a lot more features
than OCIDE (project support, search/replace in files, configurable preparsers,
ability to write your own plugins, and so on...).
HackEdit is in alpha stage for the now. We will continue to maintain and fix
bugs in OCIDE until the final 1.0 version of HackEdit is ready.

HackEdit link:


New features:

- New margins mode: you can now configure up to 4 different margins.
- New way to handle MSVC based compilers, including 64 bit support
- Add more command line options to ocide: --compile, --conf, --runtime-env, --cobc-runtime-env
- Add option to save/load preferences.
- Allow to drag & drop paths to the preferences line edits.
- Allow to drag & drop files in the main window to open them in a new editor.
- Add ability to copy runtime dlls to the output directory [Windows].
- Add ability to run a program that requires to set some environment variables.
- Add option to show compiler and runtime configuration.
- Add buttons preferences and about to the home page.
- Add "clean" and "rebuild" actions to the toolbar/menu.
- Add std=nonen, std=cobol2014 and std=acu
- Add a status bar button to forcibly enable/disable the linter (background
  checks), overriding the Show errors setting from the Editor preferences.
- Add option to synchronise navigation pane with the editor
- Add option to go up in the filesystem treeview
- Add ability jump to previous/next cursor position (Ctrl+Alt+Z and Ctrl+Alt+Y)
- Add option to send bug report via email
- Improve github bug report, login to github is now done from OCIDE itself
- Update dbpre integration to work with dbpre 0.4
- Allow to use Shift+Enter from the search/replace panel to search backwards

Fixed bugs:

- Fix broken icon theme selection on GNU/Linux and use more icons from theme
- Use KDE specific build icons
- Fix "failed to decode compiler output with encoding cp1252 with external compilation"
- Fix "log pane (Issues tab): Line breaks from cobc & gcc are not translated correctly"
- Fix various bugs with environment variables and compiler settings
- Fix a few issues related to save as (title not updated after save as,...)
- Fix using extra quotes in compiler flags not working
- Fix using windows paths style in preferences (backslash instead of slash)
- Fix various unhandled exceptions reported by users
- Fix a few issues with file system view (warn user if using a UNC path,
  fix bugs when opening a file that is located at the root of a drive)
- Fix read only property of some fields in the about dialog or the main window (log, compiler output,...)
- Fix cobc warnings treated as errors
- Fix compiler settings not restore if user press Cancel
- Fix a few issues with the offset calculator and some specific types

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.0_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 1,032
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.0-1.noarch.rpm (md5) RPM Package (Fedora 23) 114
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon python3-opencobolide_4.7.0-1_all.deb (md5) Debian Package (Ubuntu >= 14.04) 229
last downloaded 9 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.0.dmg (md5) Mac OS X Installer 221
last downloaded 4 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.7.0.tar.gz (md5) Source package 104
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,700

4.6.6 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bug fix release


### Improvements:

- Don't show build exception message box more than once per compile
- Prevent the same exception message to be shown more than once during the same session

### Fixed bugs:

- Fix a UnicodeDecodeError with the linter on Windows
- Fix error messages not appearing when using a MSVC based GnuCOBOL.
- Fix content menu entries not working at mouse position
- Fix lost of cursor selection after case conversion
- Fix offset calculator: it now handles lvl 78/88 and redefines
- Fix a gui bug with offset calculator, disable sorting of items and allow
  user to resize columns.
- Fix unhandled exception when closing an unsaved editor

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.6.dmg (md5) Mac OS X installer 578
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.6_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 57,625
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.6.tar.gz (md5) Source Package 3,507
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 61,710

4.6.5 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is mainly a bug fix release but two new features were added:

- ability to show cursor position in bytes, taking the file encoding into consideration.
- a mechanism to report un-handled exceptions


### New features:

- Ability to show cursor position in bytes, taking the file encoding into
- Excepthook that automatically triggers the bug report tool in case of
  unhandled exception.
- Simplification of the visual studio wrapper batch

### Fixed bugs:

- Fixed confusing message about compiler not found. The message now
  indicates that a "working compiler" could not be found.
- Fixed a few typos in the documentation and the readme.
- Fixed issues with permission errors on compile/save. Now a message box will
  appear to indicate to you that you don't have the permission to
  save/compiler a particular file.
- Fixed an issue with the issues pane: opening a file with double click
  does not work for relative paths

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.5.dmg (md5) Mac OSX Installer 437
last downloaded 18 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.5_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 2,109
last downloaded 4 days ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.5.tar.gz (md5) Source Package 133
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 2,679

4.6.4 release from the 4.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bugfix release


### Fixed bugs

- freeze when compiling a file where column 1-6 are not empty in non-free mode.
- detection of submodule when lowercase keywords are use
- fix a few issues with PyQt 5.5

File Description Downloads
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.4_Setup.exe (md5) Windows installer 4,837
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.4.dmg (md5) Mac OS X installer 1,244
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
download icon OpenCobolIDE-4.6.4.tar.gz (md5) Source package 167
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
Total downloads: 6,248

110 of 39 releases