
Milestone information

Christopher Townsend
Release registered:
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1 Alejandro Leiva, 3 Andrea Azzarone, 21 Christopher Townsend, 35 MC Return, 15 Marco Trevisan (Treviño), 1 Matija Skala, 2 Michail Bitzes, 1 PBS, 1 Povilas Kanapickas, 1 Ryan Tandy, 16 Sam Spilsbury, 1 Ubuntu Spanish Translators
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
67 New, 7 Incomplete, 24 Invalid, 18 Won't Fix, 31 Confirmed, 70 Triaged, 15 In Progress, 1 Fix Committed, 57 Fix Released

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0 blueprints and 290 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
991662 #991662 adjusting Window decoration shadow radius results in windows turning white 3 High   0 New
1009570 #1009570 Emerald: Sometimes all Emerald buttons disappear when restoring a maximized window, sometimes the restored window decoration appears to be unfocused 3 High   0 New
1019449 #1019449 [quantal] [ccsm] Compiz 0.9.8: Unity Plug-In: Behaviour: Problems when changing the key to show the launcher 3 High   0 New
1024373 #1024373 Expo plugin: Multimonitor behavior: Zoom animation on second monitor using wrong path if Multi Output Mode is set to "One wall per output" 3 High   0 New
1040209 #1040209 Java frame problem with UNITY only (ubuntu 12.04) 3 High   0 New
1041822 #1041822 [GLES regression r3320] Expo, multimonitor: Miniature of second display is rendered completely black while moving a window if Multi Output Mode is set to "One wall per output" 3 High   0 New
1081601 #1081601 Show Desktop Plugin: Fails to move windows out of view, which have been re-scaled by Grid via keyboard shortcut 3 High   0 New
1163925 #1163925 Session plugin: Does not restore any windows on restart of the system 3 High   0 New
1165695 #1165695 Compiz Window-management: Maximized or horizontally semi-maximized windows (at least in a horizontal monitor configuration) jump monitors if focussed and on other viewport 3 High   0 New
1177632 #1177632 gnome-screensaver causes jump in compiz events 3 High   0 New
1203454 #1203454 Regression: Extreme lag when moving windows 3 High   0 New
1203557 #1203557 Regression: Resizeinfo now shows the size without borders instead of the full window size 3 High   0 New
1204483 #1204483 Regression r-3320 (GLES): Per Pixel/Fragment Shader has been removed 3 High   0 New
1101421 #1101421 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12396 - plugins/resize/src/logic/src/resize-logic.cpp - in function: ResizeLogic::updateWindowProperty() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere). No check of the return value of ">set(v)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101431 #1101431 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12413 - src/privatescreen/tests/test-privatescreen.cpp - in function: privatescreen_ButtonPressEdgeEventManagementTest_NoTriggerOnMismatchedButtonNumber_Test::TestBody() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere). No check of the return value of "option.set(value)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101438 #1101438 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12401 - plugins/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp - in function: WorkaroundsWindow::minimize() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere). No check of the return value of ">set(enabled)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101471 #1101471 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12417 - src/stackdebugger.cpp - in function: StackDebugger::loadStack(std::list<CompWindow *, std::allocator<CompWindow *>> &, bool) - Calling function "poll(&pfd, 1UL, 300)" without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code. No check of the return value of "poll(&pfd, 1UL, 300)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101473 #1101473 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12399 - plugins/wobbly/src/wobbly.cpp - in function: WobblyWindow::WobblyWindow(CompWindow *) - Calling function "WobblyWindow::ensureModel()" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 5 out of 6 times). No check of the return value of "this->ensureModel()". 4 Medium   0 New
1101476 #1101476 Coverity UNREACHABLE - CID 12597 - src/wrapsystem/tests/test-wrapsystem.cpp - in function: <unnamed>::TestInterface::testMethodReturningVoid() - This code cannot be reached: "<unnamed>::TestInterface::t...". 4 Medium   0 New
1101481 #1101481 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12559 - generated/place_options.cpp - in function: PlaceOptions::PlaceOptions(bool) - Non-static class member "mModeModesMask" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. Note that this is in generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101487 #1101487 Coverity PASS_BY_VALUE - CID 12473 - src/window.cpp - in function: CompWindow::resize(XWindowAttributes) - Passing parameter attr of type XWindowAttributes (size 136 bytes) by value. 4 Medium   0 New
1101488 #1101488 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12563 - generated/wizard_options.cpp - Non-static class members "mGMovementMask", "mETriggerMask" and "mEMovementMask" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. Note that this is in /generated dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101489 #1101489 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12391 - plugins/animation/src/options.cpp - in function: PrivateAnimScreen::getOptionSetForSelectedRow(PrivateAnimWindow *, Animation *) - Calling function "Animation::curWindowEvent()" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 16 out of 18 times). No check of the return value of "anim->curWindowEvent()". 4 Medium   0 New
1101490 #1101490 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12416 - src/session.cpp - in function: iceNewConnection(_IceConn *, void *, int, void **) - Calling function "fcntl(IceConnectionNumber(connection), 2, fcntl(IceConnectionNumber(connection), 1, 0) | 1)" without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code. No check of the return value of "fcntl(IceConnectionNumber(connection), 2, fcntl(IceConnectionNumber(connection), 1, 0) | 1)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101497 #1101497 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12415 - src/propertywriter.cpp - in function: PropertyWriter::readProperty(unsigned long) - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "o->set(tmpVal)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101522 #1101522 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12392 - plugins/compiztoolbox/src/compiztoolbox.cpp - in function: BaseSwitchScreen::setSelectedWindowHint(bool) - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of ">set(v)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101523 #1101523 Coverity CONSTANT_EXPRESSION_RESULT - CID 12419 - plugins/splash/src/splash.cpp - in function: SplashScreen::glPaintOutput(const GLScreenPaintAttrib &, const GLMatrix &, const CompRegion &, CompOutput *, unsigned int) - "!screen->outputDevs()->size() > 1" is always false regardless of the values of its operands. This occurs as the logical operand of if. 4 Medium   0 New
1101524 #1101524 Coverity TAINTED_SCALAR - CID 12542 - plugins/inotify/src/inotify.cpp - in function: InotifyScreen::processEvents() - Calling function "read(int, void *, size_t)" taints argument "buf". 4 Medium   0 New
1101528 #1101528 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12403 - src/option/tests/option.cpp - in function: CompOption_AssignDefaultActionValueToUnsetTypeClearsOldStateKeepsInfo_Test::TestBody() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "option.set(value)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101531 #1101531 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12402 - src/main.cpp - in function: CompManager::init() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "o->set(value)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101535 #1101535 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12394 - plugins/put/src/put.cpp - in function: PutScreen::handleEvent(_XEvent *) - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "opt[1UL]->set(value1)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101536 #1101536 Coverity STACK_USE - CID 12534 - src/privatescreen/tests/test-privatescreen.cpp - in function: privatescreen_EventManagerTest_create_and_destroy_Test::TestBody() - Local variable "comp_screen" uses 14736 bytes of stack space, which exceeds the maximum single use of 10000 bytes. 4 Medium   0 New
1101577 #1101577 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12389 - generated/wallpaper_options.cpp - in function: WallpaperOptions::initOptions() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "this->mOptions[0UL]->set(value)". Note that this is in generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101582 #1101582 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12590 - plugins/wobbly/src/wobbly.cpp - in function: WobblyWindow::WobblyWindow(CompWindow *) - Non-static class member "velocity" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium   0 New
1101589 #1101589 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12400 - plugins/workarounds/src/workarounds.cpp - in function: WorkaroundsWindow::unminimize() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of ">set(enabled)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101592 #1101592 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12398 - plugins/winrules/src/winrules.cpp - in function: WinrulesWindow::alpha() const - Calling function "CompWindow::alpha() const" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 12 out of 14 times). No check of the return value of "this->window->alpha()". 4 Medium   0 New
1101595 #1101595 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12562 - generated/wallpaper_options.cpp - Non-static class members "mBgImagePosMask" and "mBgFillTypeMask" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. Note that this is in the generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101606 #1101606 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12390 - generated/winrules_options.cpp - in function: WinrulesOptions::initOptions() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "this->mOptions[14UL]->set(value)". Note that this is in the generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101617 #1101617 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12386 - compizconfig/libcompizconfig/src/compiz.cpp - in function: loadPluginFromXMLFile(_CCSContext *, char *, char *) - Calling function "remove(pbFilePath)" without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code. No check of the return value of "remove(pbFilePath)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101619 #1101619 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12387 - generated/place_options.cpp - in function: PlaceOptions::initOptions() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "this->mOptions[4UL]->set(value)". 4 Medium   0 New
1101620 #1101620 Coverity CHECKED_RETURN - CID 12388 - generated/resize_options.cpp - in function: ResizeOptions::initOptions() - Calling function "CompOption::set(CompOption::Value &)" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 1171 out of 1219 times). No check of the return value of "this->mOptions[12UL]->set(value)". Note that this is in generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101623 #1101623 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12560 - generated/resize_options.cpp - in function: ResizeOptions::ResizeOptions(bool) - Non-static class members "mOutlineModifierMask", "mRectangleModifierMask", "mStretchModifierMask" and "mCenteredModifierMask" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. Note that this is in generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101629 #1101629 Coverity UNREACHABLE - CID 12596 - src/wrapsystem/tests/test-wrapsystem.cpp - in function: <unnamed>::TestInterface::testMethodReturningInt(int) - This code cannot be reached: "<unnamed>::TestInterface::t...". 4 Medium   0 New
1101633 #1101633 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12561 - generated/snap_options.cpp - in function: SnapOptions::SnapOptions(bool) - Non-static class members "mAvoidSnapMask", "mSnapTypeMask" and "mEdgesCategoriesMask" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. Note that this is in generated/ dir. 4 Medium   0 New
1101635 #1101635 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12594 - src/string/tests/printf/src/test-string-printf.cpp - in function: compiz::string::printf_test::Value::Value() - Non-static class member "v" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium   0 New
1120646 #1120646 Vertical position of mouse cursor is set incorrectly when releasing windows from corner and top/bottom half grid positions (Regression) 4 Medium   0 New
1170983 #1170983 Dim Inactive (addhelper) plugin: Ignores "Saturation" setting 4 Medium   0 New
1172923 #1172923 Grid: Window movement animations missing, when grid-keyboard-resizing from a non-semi-maximized state 4 Medium   0 New
1173608 #1173608 Scale Addons: "Exit Scale On Pull" code logic just works for the initiate_key binding, will fail completely if this is not defined 4 Medium MC Return  0 New
1193234 #1193234 Moving window snaps to spot several pixels away from window, if it isn't overlapped with it. 4 Medium   0 New
1198567 #1198567 Firepaint + Cube: Hack to darken the background gets visible once the cube gets activated while the screen is burning 4 Medium   0 New
1047805 #1047805 [GLES] Regression: Water plugin: rain wiper does not work correctly anymore 5 Low   0 New
1098869 #1098869 Showmouse plugin: Darken background setting has no visible effect 5 Low   0 New
1101574 #1101574 Coverity DEADCODE - CID 12429 - plugins/animation/src/options.cpp dead_default_in_switch in function PrivateAnimScreen::updateOptionSet 5 Low   0 New
1101616 #1101616 Coverity DEADCODE - CID 12430 - plugins/put/src/put.cpp, dead_default_in_switch in PutScreen::getDistance function 5 Low   0 New
1130203 #1130203 Some applications do not snapp off correctly (wrong cursor position) from maximized state 5 Low   0 New
1164910 #1164910 Audacious bug in window manager in Ubuntu since 11.04 / 11.10 5 Low   0 New
1168877 #1168877 CCSM: <precision> tag just works for float, but not for int, a workaround is known and tested 5 Low MC Return  0 New
1170991 #1170991 Dim Inactive (addhelper) plugin: "Opacity" fade too fast compared to "Brightness" 5 Low   0 New
1173256 #1173256 Desktop Wall plugin and Desktop Cube should be allowed to be activated at the same time 5 Low MC Return  0 New
1085846 #1085846 COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE is not actually the name of the profile that gets loaded 6 Wishlist   0 New
1160362 #1160362 Wallpapers are not shown if the extension does not match the mime-type 6 Wishlist   0 New
934292 #934292 Window size wrong when maximizing window after plugging in larger second monitor 1 Undecided   0 New
981801 #981801 window management, multimonitor - When a window is minimised in a multi-monitor, the minimise animation should minimise the window into the Launcher on the monitor where it resides 1 Undecided   0 New
1024591 #1024591 compiz places maximised windows on workspace 1 1 Undecided   0 New
1035619 #1035619 1px border around maximized windows 1 Undecided   0 New
1220993 #1220993 window with GDK_HINT_RESIZE_INC will stupid resize. 1 Undecided   0 New
1186560 #1186560 Vertical maximise widens windows 3 High Sam Spilsbury  1 Incomplete
1034055 #1034055 Week 32: Number of wakeups per second for compiz is more than 50 4 Medium   1 Incomplete
1039435 #1039435 [regression] [GLES] [BUILD_GLES] ezoom mouse pointer is just a black square 4 Medium   1 Incomplete
1054257 #1054257 [fglrx] Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: glXQueryExtensionsString is NULL for screen 0 1 Undecided   1 Incomplete
913521 #913521 After using mipmaps for effects, windows stop refreshing 3 High   1 Incomplete
1039903 #1039903 [regression][GLES] resizeinfo flickers slightly while resizing terminal windows 4 Medium   1 Incomplete
987649 #987649 Windows jitter up and down when unminimized 5 Low   1 Incomplete
849454 #849454 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in GridAnim::addGeometry() 3 High   3 Invalid
940944 #940944 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base() from _XAllocID() from XCreatePixmap() from ? from gdk_pixmap_new() from create_pixmap() from meta_draw_window_decoration() from update_default_decorations() 3 High   3 Invalid
981406 #981406 Bottom part of maximized windows missing sometimes 3 High   3 Invalid
1021612 #1021612 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in g_data_set_internal() from ... from g_object_unref() from remove_frame_window() from event_filter_func() 3 High   3 Invalid
1037732 #1037732 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in xcb_glx_gen_textures_data_length() from glGenTextures() from PrivateTexture::PrivateTexture() from GLTexture::GLTexture() from TfpTexture::TfpTexture() 3 High   3 Invalid
1044996 #1044996 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in DecorWindow::glDecorate() 3 High   3 Invalid
1045014 #1045014 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in ExtensionPluginAnimation::paintShouldSkipWindow() from PrivateAnimWindow::glPaint() 3 High   3 Invalid
1069536 #1069536 Fullscreen windows at lower than native resolution only show upper left corner 3 High   3 Invalid
1091243 #1091243 ctrl-alt shortcuts unreliable 3 High   3 Invalid
1159430 #1159430 Nautilus 3.7.92 breaks desktop background on Unity 3 High   3 Invalid
1194009 #1194009 [regression] CCSM > Composite > Refresh Rate is blank and cannot be set 3 High   3 Invalid
711567 #711567 Double window controls in Chromium after enabling "Use System Title Bar and Borders" 4 Medium   3 Invalid
919437 #919437 Lost window, cannot get it back. 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1047922 #1047922 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in PrivateAnimWindow::postAnimationCleanUpCustom() from PrivateAnimWindow::~PrivateAnimWindow() from AnimWindow::~AnimWindow() 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1054546 #1054546 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail() from _XAllocID() from XRenderCreatePicture() from meta_draw_window_decoration() from update_default_decorations() from decorations_changed() from style_changed() 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1102024 #1102024 [regression] Restoring a maximized Gnome Terminal window with keybinding fails to restore the original geometry 4 Medium   3 Invalid
1107818 #1107818 Annotate plugin + unityshell: Flickering during rectangle and ellipse drawing, no flickering without unityshell 5 Low   3 Invalid
769672 #769672 Windows go half-maximized on wrong monitor 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
861268 #861268 text corruption in terminals (xterm, urxvt) and emacs 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
961518 #961518 Menu rendering leaves lingering shadow outlines 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1039673 #1039673 window resize (rectangle mode) is crazy-slow 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1047534 #1047534 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in removeDisplayModal() from FadeWindow::removeDisplayModal() from CompScreen::handleEvent() from PrivateScaleScreen::handleEvent() 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1059101 #1059101 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompositeWindow::frozen() from GLWindow::release() from PrivateGLWindow::resizeNotify() from CompWindow::resizeNotify() from CompWindow::map() 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
1156919 #1156919 Compiz does not place Java windows correctly 1 Undecided   3 Invalid
727903 #727903 Spread, Window Management - XDnD directly to a window in the spread fails 3 High   4 Won't Fix
948327 #948327 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base() 3 High   4 Won't Fix
964400 #964400 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in xcb_glx_get_string_string_length() from glGetString() from GLScreen::glInitContext() 3 High   4 Won't Fix
973472 #973472 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CcpScreen::initPluginForScreen() from CompScreen::initPluginForScreen() from unity::UnityScreen::initPluginForScreen() 3 High   4 Won't Fix
1054049 #1054049 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in __normal_iterator() from begin() from functionSetEnabled() from glPaintOutputSetEnabled() from GridScreen::handleEvent() 3 High   4 Won't Fix
153626 #153626 "Initiate Window Move" can only be set to button 1 4 Medium MC Return  4 Won't Fix
291854 #291854 Move window to workspace shortcuts not working 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
503411 #503411 scale plugin launches with only one window 4 Medium MC Return  4 Won't Fix
537703 #537703 Compiz intercepts alert sound from gnome-terminal 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1026626 #1026626 after recovering from a freeze, application does not gain back colors 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1041523 #1041523 ccsm crashed with SIGSEGV in ? [] 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
1203993 #1203993 The NEWS are totally incomplete, many fixed bugs are missing, while others are repeated twice and the highlights are completely missing 4 Medium   4 Won't Fix
497866 #497866 Compizconfig-settings-manager desktop icon says 'Opciones' instead of 'opciones' 5 Low Ubuntu Spanish Translators  4 Won't Fix
575707 #575707 Transformed windows' title bars leave a see-through gap 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
799104 #799104 [regression] wobbly's maximize_effect keeps wobbling semi-maximized windows of focus change 5 Low   4 Won't Fix
280710 #280710 Expo: Workspaces cross monitor edges, implement a "One big smart wall" output option, that ensures workspaces are not cut between displays 6 Wishlist   4 Won't Fix
301174 #301174 Use proper sound event instead of system beep 1 Undecided   4 Won't Fix
706918 #706918 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in RegexExp::evaluate() 1 Undecided   4 Won't Fix
878050 #878050 Launcher doesn't switch to correct desktop when window spans dual screen 3 High Sam Spilsbury  6 Confirmed
889559 #889559 [nvidia] [xinerama] secondary monitors are gray and unusable 3 High   6 Confirmed
986260 #986260 after restarting compiz, minimized windows no longer interactive from tasklist / launchers (AWN/dockbarX/Cairo-Dock) 3 High   6 Confirmed
1011099 #1011099 Transparent menu, only shadow 3 High   6 Confirmed
1032276 #1032276 [nvidia] Graphics freeze when I close or minimize a window 3 High   6 Confirmed
1100073 #1100073 Normal resize mode temporarily hangs the desktop 3 High   6 Confirmed
455241 #455241 New windows steal focus 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
787748 #787748 Selected window in scale ("spread") handles click event 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
969986 #969986 In gnome-fallback the animation when opening an application from the panel ends with a ugly black square 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
992586 #992586 Expo plugin: right click to select desktop only works on primary monitor with dual monitor setup in one expo screen per output mode 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1006703 #1006703 [0.9.8 r3110 regression] Centered placement mode only centers windows horizontally 4 Medium MC Return  6 Confirmed
1033669 #1033669 compizconfig causes python to segfault in quantal 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1051295 #1051295 [gdebugger] glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_2D) called in programmable mode 4 Medium MC Return  6 Confirmed
1070375 #1070375 Resize Plug-In: Settings to change Additional Modifier Keys do not work 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1071701 #1071701 Multimonitor: Magnifier Plug-in: Activating this plug-in stretches the whole screen [regression-r3320] 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1115341 #1115341 Grid resize: Placing maximized windows on the top edge using shortcuts does not take the panel into account 4 Medium MC Return  6 Confirmed
1124843 #1124843 xorg-gtest tests don't handle the case of a crashing compiz correctly 4 Medium Sam Spilsbury  6 Confirmed
1191455 #1191455 Static switcher background flicker 4 Medium   6 Confirmed
1002127 #1002127 expo: Dragging maximised windows inconsistent based on point clicked on 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1004371 #1004371 "smart" window placement puts windows on top of each other while there is plenty of space 5 Low MC Return  6 Confirmed
1017033 #1017033 Always on top fails when minimizing fullscreen window 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1031940 #1031940 Compiz: window flicker when focusing new window with fade effect enabled 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1045126 #1045126 Minimize animation only works for one window at a time 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1049165 #1049165 python bytecode gets generated every time make is run 5 Low Sam Spilsbury  6 Confirmed
1071697 #1071697 Magnifier Plug-in: "Image overlay" and "Fisheye" modes not working, because they still need conversion [regression-r3320] 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1076838 #1076838 Spread/Scale (Super-W) keybinding is inconsistent 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1102649 #1102649 Live window updates stop during minimize animation 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1123649 #1123649 Make the window stacking tests a little less verbose 5 Low Sam Spilsbury  6 Confirmed
1162740 #1162740 Cube Addon: Key-combinations to change top or bottom cap textures do not work 5 Low   6 Confirmed
1132357 #1132357 Make "Focus on Switch" temporary (not recorded in stack) 6 Wishlist   6 Confirmed
802816 #802816 Window management - unity doesn't realise when applications bring their windows to the front 1 Undecided   6 Confirmed
919223 #919223 Multi-monitor - Spread renders incorrectly on multi-monitor setup with same resolutions 3 High   7 Triaged
979252 #979252 Shadow Clipping / Regressions with AWN in compiz (built an hour ago) 3 High Sam Spilsbury  7 Triaged
1020829 #1020829 [regression][GLES] animationaddon plugin does not build any more 3 High   7 Triaged
1023814 #1023814 [regression][GLES] Window shade animation doesn't work any more 3 High   7 Triaged
1025200 #1025200 is unmaintained and should redirect to Launchpad 3 High Sam Spilsbury  7 Triaged
1034256 #1034256 SDL window gets erratic behavior when resizing itself under compiz 3 High   7 Triaged
1050222 #1050222 window decorations sometimes flicker/corrupt 3 High   7 Triaged
1058010 #1058010 SIGSEGV in PrivateVertexBuffer::render(attrib==NULL) 3 High   7 Triaged
1066764 #1066764 Unity fails to load on old hardware (compiz enabling LLVMpipe has no effect and Mesa tries to use hardware still) 3 High   7 Triaged
1195954 #1195954 Pressing 'Esc' or 'Enter' during Compiz Scenes toggles 'Magnifier' activation 3 High   7 Triaged
924685 #924685 Compiz man pages are out of date, and should really be upstream 4 Medium   7 Triaged
957566 #957566 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 10890 - src/rect/src/rect.cpp - in function: CompRect::CompRect(int, int, int, int) - Non-static class member field "mRegion.size" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
957583 #957583 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 10892 - src/window/extents/src/windowextents.cpp in function: compiz::window::extents::Extents::Extents() - Non-static class member "bottom", "left", "right" and "top" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
957597 #957597 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 10889 - src/rect/src/rect.cpp in function: CompRect::CompRect(XRectangle) - Non-static class member field "mRegion.size" is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
961202 #961202 A locked screen (blank screensaver) has compiz generating ca. 40 wakeups/second 4 Medium   7 Triaged
999018 #999018 [regression][GLES] blur plugin does not build any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1020818 #1020818 [regression][GLES] mipmapping doesn't work at all any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1020819 #1020819 [regression][GLES] colorfilter plugin does not build any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1020827 #1020827 [regression][GLES] bicubic plugin does not build any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1020828 #1020828 [regression][GLES] loginout plugin does not build any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1020832 #1020832 [regression][GLES] group plugin does not build any more 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1034267 #1034267 [regression][GLES] expo + wobbly = incorrect titlebar/decoration clipping 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1039942 #1039942 [regression][GLES] scale mode is slow and stutters when unityshell is loaded 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1043639 #1043639 [regression] Detection of unresolved symbols at load time is missing 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1043759 #1043759 Display settings confirmation dialog appears out of the screen when disabling one monitor in a multi monitor setup 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1046203 #1046203 plugins/composite/src/screen.cpp: Suspicious for loop never iterates 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051284 #1051284 [gdebugger] many redundant calls to glBufferData 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051285 #1051285 [performance] should be using interleaved buffers 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051291 #1051291 [gdebugger] glUniform is called too much 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051297 #1051297 [gDEBugger] glBindTexture called too much for a one-texture case 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051299 #1051299 [performance] Use vertex array objects where available 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051300 #1051300 Use UBOs where possible 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1051302 #1051302 [gDEBugger] glFramebufferRenderbufferEXT called twice per bind 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1066801 #1066801 boost::function<bool (CompAction*, unsigned int, std::vector<CompOption, std::allocator<CompOption> >&)> is duplicated in 31 plugins 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1087198 #1087198 When XShape is disabled, many windows open with their contents partially missing on the right hand edge 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1100200 #1100200 Compiz crash in compiz::opengl::bindTexImageGLX 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1101426 #1101426 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12567 - plugins/compiztoolbox/src/compiztoolbox.cpp - in function: BaseSwitchScreen::BaseSwitchScreen(CompScreen *) - Non-static class members "cScreen" and "gScreen" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1101518 #1101518 Coverity DIVIDE_BY_ZERO - CID 12439 - plugins/mag/src/mag.cpp - in function: MagScreen::paintSimple() - In expressions "1. / this->width" and "1. / this->width" (2x) , division by expression "this->width" which may be zero has undefined behavior. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1101551 #1101551 Coverity DEADCODE - CID 12431 - plugins/winrules/src/winrules.cpp - in function: WinrulesScreen::optionChanged(CompOption *, WinrulesOptions::Options) - Assigning: "updateActionsMask" = *U several times and reassigning it immediately. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1101562 #1101562 Coverity STACK_USE - CID 12532 - plugins/cubeaddon/src/cubeaddon.cpp - in function: CubeaddonScreen::paintCap(const GLScreenPaintAttrib &, const GLMatrix &, CompOutput *, int, bool, bool) - Local variable "capVertices" uses 10080 bytes of stack space, which exceeds the maximum single use of 10000 bytes. 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1101576 #1101576 Coverity STACK_USE - CID 12531 - plugins/cube/src/cube.cpp - in function: PrivateCubeScreen::updateSkydomeTexture() - Local variable "aaafTextureData" uses 196608 bytes of stack space, which exceeds the maximum single use of 10000 bytes. 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1101579 #1101579 Coverity PW.PARAMETER_HIDDEN - CID 12484 - plugins/staticswitcher/src/staticswitcher.cpp - declaration hides parameter "w" (declared at line 531) -> 594 foreach (CompWindow *w, windows) 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1166359 #1166359 Window management: If a window is "Set above/Always on top" all it's dialogue windows should automatically be "Set above/Always on top" as well, or dialogues will open behind their parent windows 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1172913 #1172913 CCSM: It should be at least a little bit harder for users to disable plugins essential for Compiz to work 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1173694 #1173694 Compiz switchers (Ring, Shift, Stack) icons use low texture resolution, visible especially in "Big" Overlay Icon mode 4 Medium MC Return  7 Triaged
1184381 #1184381 Regression r3722: Grid + Wobbly Windows: Pointer position way off, if snapping off gridded windows and Grid's "Snap Windows Back To Original Size" option is disabled 4 Medium   7 Triaged
1198140 #1198140 Grid: grid-semi-maximized windows do not respect a disabled "Snap Windows Back To Original Size" setting, they still snap back to original size 4 Medium   7 Triaged
723855 #723855 Window management - Grid: Windows should not show the semi-maximise preview when the minimum width of the window is greater than the semi-maximise width 5 Low   7 Triaged
827537 #827537 Decorations needs to support anti aliased rounded corners 5 Low   7 Triaged
957564 #957564 Coverity PW.USELESS_TYPE_QUALIFIER_ON_RETURN_TYPE - CID 10885 - plugins/opengl/include/opengl/vector.h - type qualifier on return type is meaningless 5 Low   7 Triaged
957569 #957569 Coverity PW.USELESS_TYPE_QUALIFIER_ON_RETURN_TYPE - CID 10887 - plugins/opengl/src/vector.cpp - type qualifier on return type is meaningless (2x) 5 Low   7 Triaged
957590 #957590 Coverity PW.USELESS_TYPE_QUALIFIER_ON_RETURN_TYPE - CID 10886 - plugins/opengl/include/opengl/vector.h - type qualifier on return type is meaningless 5 Low   7 Triaged
985369 #985369 Some apps like "glxgears -fullscreen" do not use the full screen under Compiz/Unity 5 Low Sam Spilsbury  7 Triaged
1014945 #1014945 Switching from a VT to compiz, the screen doesn't always redraw 5 Low   7 Triaged
1020824 #1020824 [regression][GLES] reflex plugin does not build any more 5 Low   7 Triaged
1027625 #1027625 Minor lp:compiz compilation warnings 5 Low   7 Triaged
1028293 #1028293 [regression][GLES] benchmark window flickers when fading in/out 5 Low   7 Triaged
1050763 #1050763 [fglrx] Viewport preview does not fade out, just shrinks and vanishes 5 Low   7 Triaged
1101412 #1101412 Coverity UNINIT - CID 12552 - plugins/composite/src/pixmapbinding/tests/test-composite-pixmapbinding.cpp - Declaring variable "xwa" without initializer in function CompositePixmapBinderTest_TestInitialBindFailureNilPixmapReturned_ 5 Low   7 Triaged
1101423 #1101423 Coverity RESOURCE_LEAK - CID 12501 - plugins/wall/src/wall.cpp - resource leak in WallScreen::WallScreen(CompScreen *) 5 Low   7 Triaged
1101452 #1101452 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12558 - gtk/window-decorator/tests/test_gwd_settings.cpp - in function: GWDMockSettingsStorageFactoryWrapper::GWDMockSettingsStorageFactoryWrapper() - The compiler-generated constructor for this class does not initialize "mWritable". 5 Low   7 Triaged
1103875 #1103875 CompTimerTestCallback.TimerOrder can still fail spuriously under heavy system load 5 Low   7 Triaged
1178237 #1178237 Commonly used constants should be defined just once globally and be static 5 Low MC Return  7 Triaged
1012187 #1012187 [needs-packaging] Wishlist: Missing plug-In: Atlantis (Cube Atlantis) 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1012199 #1012199 [needs-packaging] Wishlist: Missing plug-In: Simple-animations (Simple Animations) 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1012226 #1012226 [needs-packaging] Wishlist: Missing plug-In: Animations Experimental 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1069112 #1069112 [regression-r3320] Animations and modules/plugins missing in Ubuntu 12.10 and 13.04 6 Wishlist Sam Spilsbury  7 Triaged
1070262 #1070262 Compiz does not allow window shadows more than 18px in radius 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1101198 #1101198 CCSM: Recommendation function needed for various plugins 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1173101 #1173101 CCSM: Submenu text should be displayed in bold, maybe slightly larger font, maybe even underlined 6 Wishlist MC Return  7 Triaged
1011923 #1011923 [0.9.8 r3110 regression] Some dropdown menus become white with the fixes for bugs 862430 and 1002602 applied 3 High Sam Spilsbury  8 In Progress
1016364 #1016364 Mipmap support broken 3 High Sam Spilsbury  8 In Progress
1024208 #1024208 [regression-r3320][GLES] td plugin (3d Windows for the cube) has severe clipping/transformation glitches 3 High   8 In Progress
1101446 #1101446 Coverity UNINIT - CID 12554 - plugins/grid/src/grid.cpp - Declaring variable "xwc" without initializer in function GridScreen::initiateCommon(CompAction *, unsigned int, std::vector<CompOption, std::allocator<CompOption>> &, unsigned int, bool, bool) 3 High MC Return  8 In Progress
1168475 #1168475 make uninstall doesn't remove all files 3 High Sam Spilsbury  8 In Progress
1204909 #1204909 Regression: Firepaint color setting seems to be mixed with the texture color 3 High MC Return  8 In Progress
1051290 #1051290 [gdebugger] many redundant state changes 4 Medium MC Return  8 In Progress
1182794 #1182794 Screenshot plugin + unityshell: Screenshot selection rectangle disappears when mouse stops moving 4 Medium MC Return  8 In Progress
1011084 #1011084 Mouse pointer changes prematurely when double-clicking on a title bar, or in expo 5 Low   8 In Progress
1163880 #1163880 Cube Addon (Cube Reflection & Deformation): Deformation fails during time of window animation 5 Low   8 In Progress
727290 #727290 Allow enhanced zoom to follow text. 6 Wishlist Alejandro Leiva  8 In Progress
1012197 #1012197 [needs-packaging] Wishlist: Missing plug-In: Screensaver 6 Wishlist MC Return  8 In Progress
1012206 #1012206 [needs-packaging] Wishlist: Missing plug-In: Startup 6 Wishlist MC Return  8 In Progress
1040478 #1040478 Add support for glBlitFramebuffer to GLScreen::glPaintCompositedOutput 6 Wishlist Sam Spilsbury  8 In Progress
1204807 #1204807 Animation plugin: Needs more options to configure the individual animations 6 Wishlist MC Return  8 In Progress
1025586 #1025586 [0.9.8 r3110 regression] [LLVMpipe] Dragging windows around is much slower with compiz 0.9.8 than 0.9.7 (using LLVMpipe) 3 High   9 Fix Committed
1019923 #1019923 Stuck in scale mode, can't get out without killing compiz 2 Critical Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1055166 #1055166 compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() from drisw_update_tex_buffer() from dri_set_tex_buffer2() from operator() from compiz::opengl::bindTexImageGLX() from ... from unity::UnityWindow::DrawWindowDecoration 2 Critical Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1158161 #1158161 [regression] Unmaximized windows can't be closed, minimized, moved 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1158267 #1158267 Regression: Broken (click-through) window decoration on some maximized windows 2 Critical Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
1191853 #1191853 gtk-window-decorator crashed with SIGSEGV in wnck_window_get_actions() 2 Critical Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
785663 #785663 compiz does not retain window positioning after restart 3 High   10 Fix Released
890747 #890747 Keyboard shortcut - Ctrl Alt Del doesn't do what most people typing it would expect 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1027868 #1027868 Changing "Composite > Detect Refresh Rate" is ignored initially 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1069121 #1069121 CCSM Compizconfig-Settings-Manager: <Ctrl> key has been changed to <Primary>, but CCSM was not informed about that change 3 High   10 Fix Released
1088403 #1088403 [fglrx] Grid overlay is only one triangle 3 High   10 Fix Released
1092323 #1092323 Window management - Switching to windows placed on two work spaces causes the workspace to switch 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1104236 #1104236 [regression] Unity show desktop fade out makes them invisible in spread. 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1171342 #1171342 mouse scroll wheel not working in gedit & System Monitor 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1192028 #1192028 Compiz refresh rate resets to 50 Hz automatically w/ Nvidia proprietary driver 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1195977 #1195977 Cube: Deformation sometimes fails and visual glitches occur 3 High   10 Fix Released
1195996 #1195996 Wizard: Changing default emitters makes Compiz crash 3 High Michail Bitzes  10 Fix Released
1214459 #1214459 Failing GLibSourceDestroyIntegration unit tests on compiz/0.9.10 3 High Andrea Azzarone  10 Fix Released
1228352 #1228352 [regression] Alt-Tab for all viewports will not switch viewports when selecting a window on another viewport 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1228507 #1228507 Cannot move certain windows via the top half of the titlebar in Ubuntu 13.10 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1232299 #1232299 Compiz doesn't undo profile change after processing upgrade 3 High Ryan Tandy  10 Fix Released
1236899 #1236899 [regression] Ctrl+Alt+KP_0 should minimize a window 3 High Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1236899 #1236899 [regression] Ctrl+Alt+KP_0 should minimize a window 3 High Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1240957 #1240957 Scrolling behaviour and window focus has changed and is inconsistent 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1244754 #1244754 [regression] compiz freezes when dragging a window to the top bar after being semi-maximized 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1287472 #1287472 compiz unnecessarily shrinks new windows 3 High Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1289820 #1289820 'Move to Another Workspace' causes window to disappear 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1294341 #1294341 Some of the input fields are blank in CompizConfig Settings Manager 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1303068 #1303068 Regression: rev 3847 No focus on Desktop possible if a window is open 3 High Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
766191 #766191 Spread causes Compiz's 'scale' plugin to inaccurately pad the right/left edges of the screen 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
992697 #992697 Window management - 'Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 4' and 'Ctrl-Alt-Numpad 6' window placement shortcuts are broken 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1019139 #1019139 [regression] Horizontally resizing a vertically maximized terminal is now very slow, unresponsive. 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1024304 #1024304 Benchmark results (with FBO enabled) in compiz are lower than compiz 0.9.7 4 Medium Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
1031710 #1031710 Multi-Monitor. Workspace switcher on monitor 2 is drawn under launcher 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1073488 #1073488 window management - if a window is always on top, it will always get focus after switching between workspaces 4 Medium Andrea Azzarone  10 Fix Released
1086266 #1086266 compiz still has some dependencies on gtk+-2.0. Needs porting to gtk+-3.0 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1101618 #1101618 Coverity UNINIT_CTOR - CID 12566 - plugins/animation/src/grid.cpp - in function: GridAnim::GridAnim(CompWindow *, WindowEvent, float, AnimEffectInfo *, const CompRect &) - Non-static class members "mGridWidth" and "mGridHeight" are not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls. 4 Medium MC Return  10 Fix Released
1171878 #1171878 Adding/Removing an external monitor causes maximized windows to move to another workspace 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1184159 #1184159 [saucy] scrolling with a touchpad is jerky with bindings set in compiz for Desktop-based Viewport Switching 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1185819 #1185819 Cube Gears should be disabled when "inside cube" mode is on 4 Medium MC Return  10 Fix Released
1200829 #1200829 Regression: Enabling typical bindings in "Desktop-based Viewport Switching" breaks scrollwheel scrolling in some windows with a usb mouse on a laptop 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1204307 #1204307 Regression: The size of all windows grows by the size of the decoration each time Compiz gets restarted 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1217286 #1217286 Regression r3751: Restarting Compiz changes size and position of windows 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1238111 #1238111 Compiz causes Motif window shrunk 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1257223 #1257223 Negative plugin causes incorrect alpha blending ( a(1+x)+bx instead of a(1-x)+bx ) 4 Medium Povilas Kanapickas  10 Fix Released
1280377 #1280377 Resizing vertically a window in normal mode doesn't vertically maximize it correctly 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1281370 #1281370 Unity should use "Normal" resize mode by default 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1282304 #1282304 Bottom-edge window placement doesn't take decoration height into consideration 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1282305 #1282305 Repeatedly undecorating and redecorating a window shrinks it vertically 4 Medium Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1292220 #1292220 ccsm crashed with UnboundLocalError in AskUser(): local variable 'msg_dict' referenced before assignment 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1304877 #1304877 Functions assigned to extra mouse buttons in compiz do not work anymore. 4 Medium Christopher Townsend  10 Fix Released
1176898 #1176898 Grid: Snap animation uses wrong window 5 Low PBS  10 Fix Released
1280616 #1280616 When launcher is in autohide mode the launcher icons are not clickable 5 Low Marco Trevisan (Treviño)  10 Fix Released
1288953 #1288953 fix kde4-window-decorator build 5 Low Matija Skala  10 Fix Released
1100128 #1100128 Drop xig support 6 Wishlist Sam Spilsbury  10 Fix Released
1196010 #1196010 Wizard: Particles should fade in/out, not suddenly appear and disappear 6 Wishlist Michail Bitzes  10 Fix Released
1201061 #1201061 There should be more zoom levels in 'Specific Zoom'. 6 Wishlist   10 Fix Released
1234624 #1234624 Spread - In the spread view, clicking on an empty space should perform the same action as pressing the ESC key 1 Undecided Andrea Azzarone  10 Fix Released
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