Registered by Alexander Sack

The Linux Connection Manager project provides a daemon for managing Internet connections within embedded devices running the Linux operating system.

The Connection Manager is designed to be slim and to use as few resources as possible, so it can be easily integrated in other Moblin-based embedded systems. It is fully modular system that can be extended through plug-ins, to support all kinds of wired or wireless technologies. Also, configuration methods like DHCP and domain name resolving are implemented using plug-ins. The plug-in approach allows for easy adaption and modification for various use cases.

The project currently contains the following components:

    * connman The core Connection Manager daemon (connmand) and plug-ins for Ethernet, WiFi, DHCP, and resolvconf.
    * connman-gnome The GTK+-based user interfaces for an applet and a properties dialog.

Connection Manager uses modern infrastructure like D-Bus, HAL, and netlink to provide a native integration into the operating system. While HAL and netlink are used on the system level to communicate with networking devices, the whole separation between system daemon and user interface is done through D-Bus.

At the moment the following extra components or applications are required:

    * wpa_supplicant (with D-Bus extensions) for WiFi access
    * dhclient for the DHCP plug-in
    * resolvconf for the domain name resolver plug-in
    * libgdbus for D-Bus and GLib integration (provided by the project itself)

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