Registered by Yaro

Pre-Alpha in the hopes of producing a powerful renderer capable of three modes, 2D raster graphics, involving primitives (Like pixels, lines, circles, boxes, etc.) and regular blitting techniques. 2D vector graphics, which I have no experience with programming with, but would feature capabilities for real-time animation for games. With that mode, one could, in theory, make up a full character in, say, Inkscape, probably using a custom plugin that will allow the developer to define a skeleton for animations to be made in game code that calls on the COUGAR renderer. Finally, 3D graphics, like with 2D raster graphics, calling on primitives as well as mainstream model format support, shaders, everything a good 3D rendering system would need. This renderer is to use SDL and OpenGL.

The COUGAR (Compact Object-oriented Urbane Graphics Articulated Renderer) renderer is in the pre-Alpha stages of development, and so far I am the only person on the project team. It is one part of a four-tiered "megaproject" I would hope to actually base a company around:

Mongoose - A customizable game engine capable of having its games written entirely in its own scripting language: Mongoose Annihilation Language (MAL) which will define a game entirely to the engine. It is theory, no code exists for this project yet. Will use SDL and the COUGAR Renderer upon its completion.

COUGAR - See summary.

Tier 3 - Content delivery system. Sort of like Steam except without the DRM and a little more stable and very much cross-platform, like the other projects. No code exists.

Whispers of the Galaxy - RPG game trilogy. You'll have to e-mail me for the details. Will be the real test of the megaproject.

If you are interested in joining the COUGAR project, e-mail me at I'm very much open to programmers signing up to help me with this project. Not going to begin work on the other three projects until something usable comes out of this one.

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