Registered by neil

an old progect that i refuse to let die.. it is an isometic pacman clone with little or no ghost ai written in SDL

This game is an old progect i originally wrote when i was first starting to get my head round C, now it is kinda stagnent, there is the 0.3 version avaliable on my website, and there is a 0.4 version i was working on that is 8 way isometic pacman! unfortunatley I got sidetracked with other projects and have left this on the back burner, i would love somebody to take up further development of this code, perhaps with some A* pathfinder stuff for the ghosts. 0.4 is just about a complete rewrite due to the slackness of my original code plotting meaning that any form of animation between maze cells meant a rewrite, so i did a rewrite and in that process made it 8 way, with a level designer. Also I would love to see Crazeeman as a .deb. If anyone is interested in resurecting 0.4 i will poke around my source folders and try and make it sane for another coder to despangulate.

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