Registered by Sascha Manns

For Large Documentation Projects
DocBook is the ideal framework when it comes to publishing large documentation projects in different formats. DocBook provides a "language" (DocBook XML) and a set of stylesheets to translate this language into different output formats such as HTML, PDF, and ePUB.

For Large Documentation Projects

DocBook is the ideal framework when it comes to publishing large documentation projects in different formats. DocBook provides a "language" (DocBook XML) and a set of stylesheets to translate this language into different output formats such as HTML, PDF, and ePUB.
An Easy-to-Use Toolchain

Transforming the XML sources to output formats such as PDF, requires several steps such as validating, filtering (profiling), converting images, and generating an .fo file. As DocBook does not provide a tool chain, custom solutions (written with make, ant or a scripting language) are necessary for publishing DocBook projects. That is a major hurdle for writers who would like to use DocBook for their documentation projects.
Easy Creation and Publication

The DocBook Authoring and Publishing Suite (DAPS) fills this gap by providing a tool set for easy creation and publication of DocBook sources on Linux. DAPS lets you create HTML (including the brand new Web Help format), PDF, EPUB, man pages, and other formats with a single command. It automatically takes care of validating and filtering (profiling) your sources and of converting the images into the format best suited for the selected output format.
Additional Benefits

Furthermore you can easily create profiled source tarballs for translation or review. DAPS supports authors by providing linkchecker, validator, spellchecker, and editor macros. It is perfectly suited to manage large documentation projects with multiple authors using DAPS docmanager.
100% Open Source

DAPS offers a dual-licensing model at your choice: GPL 2.0 or GPL 3.0.

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Sascha Manns
Sascha Manns

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