Change logs for scim source package in Squeeze

  • scim (1.4.9-6) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/im-switch/scim-immodule: test for readability instead of
        executability of immodules files.  Closes: #595150.
      * debian/patches/72_fix-fr-translation-hindi.patch
        Fix translation for "Hindi". (LP: #310123)
     -- Rolf Leggewie <email address hidden>  Tue, 26 Oct 2010 03:43:00 +0900
  • scim (1.4.9-5) unstable; urgency=low
      * debian/copyright: add my copyright
      * debian/control: update to standard 3.9.1, no further changes necessary
     -- Rolf Leggewie <email address hidden>  Wed, 11 Aug 2010 18:28:44 +0200
  • scim (1.4.9-3) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Osamu Aoki ]
      * update debian/control pointing to git repo
      [ Rolf Leggewie ]
      * debian/control: take over maintainership of scim from Ming-Hua
      * debian/control: add DMUA field
      * debian/patches/70_fix-disappeared-status-icon.dpatch: fix missing
        taskbar icon (LP: #475800)
      * debian/control: update to 3.8.4 standard
      * debian/README.source: document commands to get patched source
      * debian/source: make explicit that we are still using DebSrc1.0
      * add help2man-generated man pages for scim-setup and scim-config-
      [ Osamu Aoki ]
      * fix broken manpages
      * conversion to 3.0 (quilt) format
      * renumbered patches to match FC14
      * used GTK_IM_MODULE=scim as default. Closes: #587524
      * Supported scim-bridge
      * added package dependency to im-config etc.
      * debian/rules: converted to new dh syntax
      * imported patches including one for rpath from the FC14 package.
      * replaced config by the FC14 scim-system-config
      * build with autoreconf
      * fixed doc-base for scim-dev-doc. Closes: #295802
     -- Osamu Aoki <email address hidden>  Sat, 03 Jul 2010 22:47:15 +0900
  • scim (1.4.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
      The "contributions from Ubuntu" release
      [ Rolf Leggewie ]
      * debian/README*: fix some spelling mistakes and bitrot
      * debian/rules: remove obsolete Chinese manual (Closes: #427520)
      * debian/control: 
        - let scim-bridge pull in clients packages by default
        - let libscim8c2a conflict with older versions of scim-gtk2-immodule
          to offer Ubuntu a safe way out of earlier packaging mistakes
      * debian/scim.postinst: improve handling of update-alternatives
      * debian/patches: 
        - push back and update a number of patches from Ubuntu
        - drop AltGr as trigger key from 20_scim_config.dpatch
      * add a lintian override for libscim8c2a package
      [ Jari Aalto ]
      * 60_gcc-4.4-const-char.dpatch: fix compile with gcc 4.4 (Closes: #560486)
     -- Rolf Leggewie <email address hidden>  Fri, 15 Jan 2010 15:03:37 +0100
  • scim (1.4.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
      [ Rolf Leggewie ]
      * new upstream release (Closes: #525289)
      * fix spelling mistake in im-switch files.  (Closes: #494189)
      * update to standard 3.8.1 and make lintian clean
      * drop 90_relibtoolize.dpatch, looks like the retooling was done upstream
      [ LI Daobing ]
      * debian/control: 
        - add me to uploaders. 
        - bump debhelper version to >= 7.
        - fix typo in description: GTK -> GTK+.
        - fix typo in description: meta package -> metapackage.
      * debian/compat:
        - bump debhelper version to 7.
      * debian/scim-dev-doc.doc-base: change section to Text. 
      * debian/rules: 
        - bump shlib version to 1.4.9.
        - change "rm" to "rm -f".
        - remove deprecated desktop entry
        - fix gtk immodule install dir
      * debian/patches/00list:
        - disable 10_remove-deprecated-desktop-entry.dpatch and
     -- LI Daobing <email address hidden>  Tue, 28 Apr 2009 20:58:08 +0800
  • scim (1.4.7-3) unstable; urgency=low
      The "give credit where credit is due" release.
      * Update debian/copyright.
        - Update information about current package maintainers.
        - Specify upstream release tarball download URL.
        - Clarify the copyright and licensing information of the files in
          modules/FrontEnd/IMdkit/ which are under MIT/BSD like licenses.  Thanks
          ZhengPeng Hou for reporting this issue.  (Closes: #438639)
        - Clarify copyright and licensing of Debian packaging.
        - Refer to /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1 for the text of LGPL,
          instead of the symbolic link.
      * Define $XIM_PROGRAM_SETS_ITSELF_AS_DAEMON variable in both "scim" and
        "scim-immodule" im-switch settings, to avoid leaving a zombie process when
        im-switch is used to start scim.  (Closes: #431294)
      * Add 50_validate-desktop-entry dpatch, to fix a few issues in
        scim-setup.desktop revealed by desktop-file-validate tool.
        - Use absolute path for the icon.
        - Remove deprecated "Applications" category.
        - Remove deprecated key "Encoding".
      * Change XS-Vcs-* fields in debian/control to Vcs-*, now that they are
        supported by dpkg.  Bump the dpkg-dev version in build dependency to
        1.14.6, to guarantee that we have a dpkg that supports this feature.
      * Use the official "Homepage" field in debian/control instead of putting the
        upstream homepage in package's long description.
      * Update to policy version 3.7.3.
     -- Ming Hua <email address hidden>  Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:01:04 -0600