Registered by Lars Helge Ă˜verland

DHIS 2 Academy is the educational branch of the DHIS 2 project. DHIS 2 is a global software project aimed at improving access to accurate health information in developing countries. DHIS 2 is developed by a network of software developers, health professionals, information officers, research fellows and students. This Launchpad project is aimed at the education of DHIS 2 software developers from the University of Oslo and other universities around the world.

The DHIS 2 is developed by the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) as an open and globally distributed process with developers (currently) in India, Vietnam, Tanzania, Ireland, and Norway. The software is implemented in many developing countries in Africa and Asia, such as India, Vietnam, Tajikistan, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar.

Check out the wiki at for student project documentation. Sign up for the team to get access to the source code projects.

Project information

Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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