Divisi UI 1.0

First actual release. A version that meets Kyle's specifications. Allows multiple canonical documents, and using them as axes. Shows consistency/congruence stats. Collect mode has a timer. Etc.

Milestone information

Divisi UI
Rob Speer
Release registered:
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1 Fix Released

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Total downloads: 19

Release notes 

Nichole and I have produced what we call, with just a slight bit of hubris, DivisiUI Version 1.0.

As before, unzip it and run the .jar. An example study that you can load, called ReactStudy, comes in the zip file. It's even got a survey and a stimulus set up in it, and you can collect additional responses that will go into the folder.

It's true that it'll need a bit of documentation. That will, I think, have to come a bit later. Ask us any questions you may have. And please tell us about any bugs, large or small, that you find -- it would be especially helpful if you report them at http://bugs.launchpad.net/divisiui .


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0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
400918 #400918 Controls for SVDview to show categories 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
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