Registered by Eric Moritz

django-viewtools provides a management command to help in debugging and profiling views


django-viewtools provides a number of management commands for
debugging views.

There are a number of flags that can be used when calling the view

-d, --debug: This sets settings.DEBUG to True before calling the
 view. This allows you to retrieve the content from a view in
 production when settings.DEBUG is on

-n, --no-debug: This sets settings.DEBUG to False, handy to see what
 will happen if DEBUG is turned off.

--pdb: This starts PDB before the request is handled. Great for when
  you have a traceback email and want to set a breakpoint where it

--pm: This fires up PDB's post_mortum when an error occurs in the
  process of calling a view.

--profile: This dumps a hotshot profile file to the location specified
  for profiling the performance of a view.

-q, --quiet: Don't output the response of the view

-m, --mute: Turn off output through stdout and stderr, handy for noisy
 views with print statements everywhere.

Project information

Eric Moritz
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
python, django

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