Registered by dangyogi

This project aims at producing a compiler for dynamically-typed languages (like python/ruby/javascript) that will compile into native machine code. The hope is to achieve 1-2 orders of magnitude improvement in the resulting performance of the program through global program analysis.

The project also aims to provide interoperability between different dynamically-typed languages (e.g., python, ruby, javascript, not sure about statically-typed languages like java) as well as interoperability between different versions of the same language (e.g., python2.5, python2.6, python3.0). The intent is to allow modules from different languages and versions to be used together in a single program.

The expected tradeoff here is that it will take considerably longer to compile programs, which would hinder the edit/compile/test development loop. We will see how this plays out, and whether the compiler can work incrementally so that small changes in the source code can be quickly incorporated into the compiled program to avoid having to recompile the whole thing from scratch.

The project will start with python2.5 targeting the x86-32 architecture.

Go to the project wiki site for more information and to see how you can help out!

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