Dmedia 13.04 "Validation"

[Note: Dmedia has NOT earned its "production ready" wings yet, so please treat this release with the usual caution. Test Dmedia, give us feedback, but don't trust your data to it... yet.]

This month will focus on validating Dmedia for production readiness.

We hope to green-light Dmedia production ready in 13.04, but we're going to be very cautious about this. So don't be surprised if the validation work takes another month (or even two).

It's taken us longer that we hoped to get Dmedia production ready, but Dmedia is tackling an extremely difficult problem, and one that you can't fake with veneer. To achieve the user experience goals we set out to achieve, we've built a sophisticated distributed file system. And that either works reliably within the tolerances that we allow, or it doesn't. And till it does, we wont call Dmedia production ready.

We *never* want a software error in Dmedia to directly cause data loss, nor fail to prevent data loss that Dmedia should have been able to respond to (after say a hard disk failure).

Milestone information

Code name:
Jason Gerard DeRose
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

Download RDF metadata


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Jason Gerard DeRose
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon dmedia-13.04.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) tarball 18
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18

Release notes 

Note: Dmedia has NOT earned its "production ready" wings yet, so please treat this release with the usual caution. Test Dmedia, give us feedback, but don't trust your data to it... yet.

* Turned on automatic downloads driven by low-durability conditions

* Turned on automatic downloads driven by user trying to access a file not available locally (but currently lacks DBus signal needed to drive progress bars, etc)

* Temporarily turned off copy-decreasing behaviours till we can better tune this (and make it event-driven based on low disk space)

* A number of small fixes and improvements to FilesApp, and added support for HEAD requests to see if a peer has a specific file

* MetaStore now uses Database.update(func, doc, *args) (new in Microfiber 13.04)

* Removed original metastore.update_doc() function that inspired Database.update()

* Dmedia.Resolve() dbus method now returns (file_id, status, filename)

* Removed (in the end) unneeded Dmedia.ResolveURI() dbus method

* Added Dmedia.ResolveMany() dbus method

* Reworked metastore.mark_foo() functions to only take static, pre-computed args so that the result is the same regardless how many times a function is "applied"

* Added unit tests for a few mark_foo() functions that were missing them, and made unit tests for all mark_foo() functions more demanding and comprehensive


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1092958 #1092958 Tweak Dmedia.Resolve() DBus method 3 High Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
1169657 #1169657 Use Microfiber as file download client, port to new SSL way 3 High Jason Gerard DeRose  10 Fix Released
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