
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
DOLFIN 1.2.1 1.2.x None not yet released
DOLFIN 1.1.1 1.1.x None
DOLFIN 1.0.2 1.0.x None not yet released
DOLFIN 1.2.0 1.2.x 2013-03-08
DOLFIN 1.1.0 1.1.x 2013-01-07
DOLFIN 1.0.1 1.0.x 2012-06-20
DOLFIN 1.0.0 1.0.x 2011-12-07 To be released after all bugs in release candidates have been fixed.
DOLFIN trunk trunk 2011-12-01 not yet released
DOLFIN 1.0-rc2 1.0.x 2011-11-28
DOLFIN 1.0-rc1 1.0.x 2011-11-21 First release candidate of 1.0
DOLFIN 1.0-beta2 1.0.x 2011-09-22
DOLFIN 1.0-beta 1.0.x 2011-08-11
DOLFIN 0.9.11 0.x 2011-03-15
DOLFIN 0.9.10 0.x 2011-02-23 This release should incorporate all recent bug fixes + new features and make ...
DOLFIN 0.9.9 "Almost there..." 0.x 2010-10-01 This release should complete all interface changes so that there are only bug...
DOLFIN 0.9.8 0.x 2010-07-01
DOLFIN 0.9.7 0.x 2010-02-16 The focus for this release is to complete as many of the pending fixes/bluepr...
DOLFIN 0.9.6 0.x 2009-12-15 The focus of this release is to merge the CGAL branch.
DOLFIN 0.9.5 0.x 2009-11-15
DOLFIN 0.9.4 0.x 2009-10-15
DOLFIN 0.9.3 0.x 2009-09-15