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0.10 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This version builds on the great work done previously and offers the following new features.

- A better drawing handler for the cards display.
- A new seamless way to select the color, without a pop-up.
- A better naming for computer controlled players.
- A reworked back-end to write rules more easily.
- An alternate Uno-like rule-set.

File Description Downloads
download icon duo-0.10.tar.gz (md5, sig) Duo 0.10 3,694
last downloaded 2 weeks ago
Total downloads: 3,694

0.9 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This version relies on a heavy refactored code base. The release is intended to validate this new base before building new features on top of it.

The program still presents the 0.8 version features:
- Solo game against one up to three AI players.
- Tk user interface.
- Game localization.

The most important changes for the user are:
- A slightly redesigned window which tries to address some old problems raised on Sourceforge bug tracker.
- The penalty cards can be stacked (and the AI will do this!).

Also note that no one among the current developpers puts great interest in Win32 platforms (or even owns such a platform). Maintenance of the Win32 installer is available for motivated people.

File Description Downloads
download icon duo-0.9.tar.gz (md5, sig) Duo 0.9 428
last downloaded 13 days ago
Total downloads: 428