Registered by Rafael Zimmer

The Forge suite is a API-based orchestration server that integrates with multiple managers.
 This allows users to manage different strategies, feeds and portfolios via a centralized instance.

The dxlib Forge is an API-based orchestration server designed for seamless integration with multiple managers. This powerful tool empowers users to effortlessly manage diverse strategies, feeds, and portfolios through a centralized instance.

Offering both precompiled executables for simplified deployment and source code availability for customization, dxlib Forge ensures flexibility and ease of use. Whether utilizing the provided standalone executables or compiling from source, the project streamlines strategy management, making it accessible to both Python enthusiasts and those seeking a hassle-free experience.

With functionalities ranging from strategy listing to proxy methods for strategy endpoints, dxlib Forge provides a comprehensive solution for effective strategy orchestration.

Project information

Rafael Zimmer
Rafael Zimmer
Apache Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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