Registered by Armagon

Enchanting aims to make it easier and more fun to program physical devices, particularly LEGO Mindstorms NXT robots. Enchanting is based on Scratch from the MIT Media Lab

Project information

Enchanting Team
Enchanting Team
Other/Open Source
(Briefly, Enchanting itself is under the Scratch license, but Enchanting includes leJOS NXJ, parts of which are under the MPL v1, GPL v2 and 3, LGPL 2.1, and the Apache License v 1.1 and 2. Installers for Enchanting on Windows may include the Apache Harmony JDK, which is under the Apache License v2. Please see for full details.)

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View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.

All code Code

Version control system:
Programming languages:
Squeak (Smalltalk), leJOS NXJ (Java)

Get Involved


  • Enchanting 0.2.3 is up on 2013-01-22
    Enchanting 0.2.3 is now out and ready for downloading and testing.
  • Enchanting is up on 2011-11-25
    Enchanting is up, and ready for alpha testing. It now includes all t...
  • Version is up on 2011-06-14
    I've just uploaded version Version 0.0.7 is easy to install and eas...
  • Version 0.0.3 is no up! on 2010-10-29
    You can now download Enchanting version 0.0.3, right here from this page.
  • New site goes live on 2010-10-16
    Enchanting now has a new website up, at