Enchanting 0.2.1

Milestone information

Clinton Blackmore
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon Enchanting-0.2.1-Source.zip (md5) Enchanting 0.2.1 Source 37
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.2.1-Source.tar.bz2 (md5) Enchanting 0.2.1 Source 24
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon enchanting_0.2.1_all.deb (md5) Enchanting 0.2.1 Experimental Linux Package (for x86/x86_64/arm) 72
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.2.1-Setup.exe (md5) Enchanting 0.2.1 for Windows 204
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
download icon Enchanting-0.2.1.dmg (md5) Enchanting 0.2.1 for Mac OS X 138
last downloaded 8 weeks ago
Total downloads: 475

Release notes 

Created a Linux build, fixed a number or bugs, and did a little bit of cleanup.


View the full changelog

New in version 0.2.1

 - Made Enchanting run on current Squeak VMs. Big thanks to Bert Freudenberg, Miriam Ruiz and Amos Blanton. (See http://www.miriamruiz.es/weblog/?p=678).
 - Created .deb installer for Linux -- x86, x86_64, and arm. (Enchanting now runs on the Raspberry Pi, but very slowly).
   - Would be delighted to have help improving it.
 - Removed menu entries that don't apply to Enchanting.
 - Decided to omit leJOS documentation from the installers.
 - Updated German translation.
 - Now performing minor substitutions on block specification translations. (ex: 'change %v by %n' becomes 'change %v by %s').

Bug fixes:

 - Fixed 'export sprite' feature.
 - Fixed the turn clockwise/counterclockwise blocks for sprites on the screen
 - Always stopping program before uploading new one; should fix crashes on uploading.
 - Fixed layout error when using 'not', 'and', or 'or' block.
 - You can now create blocks in all categories (including 'driving' and 'motors').

New in version 0.2

 - You can now configure a 'differential pilot' to control your robot!
 - Big thanks to Sven Köhler for fixing the bug in leJOS 0.9.1 and providing new jni libraries!
 - Added 'map' block.
 - Added utilities to flash the NXT and browse the files on it.
 - Enchanting now checks the firmware on your NXT and offers to flash it for you if it is the wrong one!
 - Now using graphics in drop-down boxes.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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