Registered by Johnnie Walker

FeatherEye is a small, shell-wrapper, CLI programme (written in PHP) that can be used to export information about Apache2 configuration in a machine-readable format.

* Project Home Page:

* Documentation:

FeatherEye is currently very minimal in that it simply reads an Apache2 conf file, expanding Include directives, and outputs information about the logging directives.

It was originally written so that custom Apache log management scripts can automatically discover where the log files are located and which log format is being used. The aim was to avoid the need to duplicate information about such logging directives in a separate place (which would be likely to go out of synch if the Apache conf changed).

The project is in alpha stage. Nevertheless, feel free to contribute: ask questions, provide suggestions or add information about alternative and complementary projects and scripts.

This is my first open source/bzr/launchpad project - so please bear with me while I 'learn the ropes' and set-up the branches etc.

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Not yet selected
Apache Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
php, Linux shell commands

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