Linaro GCC 4.7 2014.06 released

Written for Linaro GCC by Christophe Lyon on 2014-07-01

The Linaro Toolchain Working Group is pleased to announce the 2014.06
release of Linaro GCC 4.7.

As announced at Linaro Connect USA 2013 Linaro GCC moved to a pattern
of quarterly stable releases, with engineering releases in the
intervening months. This is the third stable release, and contains no
known regressions compared to the 2014.04 release.

Linaro GCC 4.7 2014.06 is the twenty forth release in the 4.7 series.
Based off the latest GCC 4.7.4 (svn211571) release, this is the eleventh
release after entering maintenance and the final one.

Interesting changes include:

* Updates to GCC 4.7.4 (svn211571)

The source tarball is available from:

Downloads are available from the Linaro Releases website:

More information on the features and issues are available from the
release page:

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