Registered by Gabe Gorelick

The goal of the GEF project is to build a graph editing library that can be used to construct many, high-quality graph editing applications.

Some of GEF's features are:
* A simple, concrete design that makes the framework easy to understand and extend.

* Node-Port-Edge graph model that is powerful enough for the vast majority of connected graph applications.

* Model-View-Controller design based on the Swing Java UI library makes GEF able to act as a UI to existing data structures, and also minimizing learning time for developers familiar with Swing.

* High-quality user interactions for moving, resizing, reshaping, etc. GEF also supports several novel interactions such as the broom alignment tool and selection-action-buttons.

* Generic properties sheet based on JavaBeans introspection.

* XML-based file formats based on the PGML standard (soon to support SVG).

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Gabe Gorelick
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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