Registered by Bijan Binaee

A new version of ginn.
it's port the GINN from c to c++ and make it object oriented also to make it easy to develop create qt project for it

New Version of GINN that port it to c++ and also make it more object oriented

the best feuture of GIR is can classify gesture to work on touchscreen or touchpad for more
information read "Define Gesture Run On Which Device" on here (just use ctrl + f to find)

our change is:

1. port GINN to c++
2. use string instead of char *
3. fix all error with c++ compiler
4. create Gwish class instead of wish struct
5. add Gwish Type (geusture Type) instead of config_attr[0] to make code more readable and replace it in all part of code
6. add Gwish TouchNum (Number of finger for gesture) instead of config_attr[1] to make code more readable and replace it to all part of code
5. create GINN object and create a dynamic callback for GINN object
6. use "new" instead of memloc
7. remove all global variable and embed all of them in class
8. create qt project file for ginn
9. use cout and cerr instead of fprintf
10. abstract the main file and create the code more functionally
11. test all new changes and check are they stable or not
12. create constractor for apps and make Gapps object instead it
13. create callback for device add , remove and change with object oriented concept
14. create GD_att struct to save and access device attributes
15. create device list vector
16. find device attribute with just having device ID!(perfectly useful)
17. make code more readable
18. add comment to code and use simple name for variable
19. add some option to wish.xml to define some gesture for only touchscreen
20. add some option to wish.xml to define some gesture for only touchpad
21. compatible fully with last GINN branch
##################<Define Gesture Run On Which Device>#####################
1. open wish.xml
2. find what gesture you want to classify for example you select some thing like this:

    <wish gesture="Drag" fingers="2">
      <action name="action5" when="update">
        <trigger prop="delta y" min="20" max="80"/>

3. change <wish gesture="Drag" fingers="2"> to
<wish gesture="Drag" fingers="2" screen="true">
4. if you want to your gesture run only on touchpad change screen prop to false else now your
gesture only run on touch screen

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Bijan Binaee
Bijan Binaee

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