A 2D platform game starring Maddeline, a girl on her sweet sixteen, who tries to find the perfect outfit for the palace ball.
You are Maddeline, a young princess just turned 16. Now you're old enough to attend the royal balls and your fairy godmother will help you get ready for the most exciting dances.
Watch out your way while walking around this amazing city full of filthy foes. They may harm your look. You wouldn't like to reach the ball all covered with dirt.
Visit the Make-up, Shoe, Dress and Accessory Castle to find the most beautiful outfits and win the Prince Charming heart.
Glamour is the electronic version of a table-top Game with the same name, developed to be downloaded an printed by anyone.
The project uses only free software.
The code is python and pygame, the art is created using The Gimp and Inkscape and all done with Debian, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio workstations.
Development of this project moving at a very slow pace (sorry about that) and has moved to http://
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.
All bugs Latest bugs reported
Bug #1318705: Enemy music not playing
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Bug #1297489: butterflies not animating
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Bug #1159310: Game crashes when about to start in windows 7
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Bug #563352: O jogo deveria salvar as roupas da princesa apenas quando ela fosse para um baile
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Bug #554891: Não é possível apagar os nomes de jogadoras já criados
All blueprints Latest blueprints
eu quero o jogo em portugues
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Make the unlocking of new items more intuitive
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Kivy Implementation
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The game is way too dificult
Registered -
The princess should be able to run