Registered by Marc W. Abel

glicht provides lightweight monitoring of long-term file integrity.

glicht retains and manages a set of MD5 digests for a user-specified set of files, and reports when a particular digest no longer matches a given file.

The author wrote glicht to help manage a rotated set of external backup media. He wanted to ensure that before a backup was overwritten, the data to be written to the new backup would still be valid. Especially important was ensuring that large, infrequently-accessed files such as photographs and source code archives would not be silently corrupted and forever lost.

glicht is designed for utter simplicity at the expense of fine-grained control. If you want to "have it your way", you can setup tripwire or go to Burger King. But if you want everything working in 15 minutes, consider glicht.

glicht is not intended for intrusion detection.

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Marc W. Abel
Marc W. Abel

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