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Version 0.1.13 released

Written for GNOME DVB Daemon by Sebastian Pölsterl on 2009-11-19

This release adds the option to display channel groups in the Totem
plugin. Additionally, it contains major bug fixes.
This version depends on gst-rtsp-server 0.1.5 and GStreamer 0.10.25.

- Added option to order channels by name or group to Totem plugin
- Display error message if retrieving devices fails
- Handle displaying DetailsDialog when clicking on event directly in RunningNextView
- Check if recording doesn't already exist before starting the actual recording
- Don't allow to create devices where retrieving the adapter's type failed
- Unescape ' when retrieving text from sqlite db
- Don't return expired events in GetAllEvents and GetAllEventInfos
- Fixed a couple of bugs when recording/watching multiple channels at the same time on the same device
- Fixed crash when streaming is forced to stop because a recording is about to start
- Fixed compiler warnings with latest Vala
- Fixed bug in getting EPG information for timer if the timer was completely contained in the event
- Added Mandriva specific directory /usr/share/dvb-apps/scan containing initial tuning data

Updated Translations:
- French
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- Swedish

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