Registered by Björn Tillenius

Package for creating command-oriented command line interfaces in Go.

The gocmdctrl package aims to make it easier to create command line
interfaces that have several commands. E.g.:

     example-cli import
     example-cli export

It includes a help command which prints information about the
available commands. A simple example that has a "help" and an "echo"

    import "fmt"
    import "os"
    import ""

    func Echo(ctrl *gocmdctrl.CmdCtrl, args []string) int {
        for _, arg := range args {
            fmt.Fprintf(ctrl.Out, "%s ", arg)
        fmt.Fprintf(ctrl.Out, "\n")
        return 0

    ctrl := gocmdctrl.New(os.Args[0], os.Args[1:])
    ctrl.AddCommand(gocmdctrl.NewHelpCommand(), "help")
        gocmdctrl.NewCommand(Echo, "Echo all arguments", "",
            []gocmdctrl.Arg{{"WORD", false, true}}),

A more complete example can be found in the example/ folder.

There are Out and Err io.Writer objects to use for writing information.
By default they are stdout and stderr, but they can be overridden to
make testing easier.

Project information

Björn Tillenius
Not yet selected
Simplified BSD Licence

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