GolfStats 0.3.2

UI updates and new features.
*Export your data
*View all courses you've played
*Cleaner details page

Milestone information

Ryan Ahearn
Release registered:
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No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
13 Ryan Ahearn
12 Implemented
1 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon golfstats_0.3.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code for Golfstats 0.3.2 29
last downloaded 53 weeks ago
Total downloads: 29

Release notes 

GolfStats 0.3.2 focuses on bringing the user performance graphs to easily view their golfing performance both over time and over a single round. It also features new list rounds and list courses pages to easily view where and when they have played.


View the full changelog

*Performance graphs
*Data export
*List Rounds
*List Courses
*Behind the scenes performance and validation improvements
*Fix for html escaping vulnerability

12 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Allow Entering partial rounds Allow Entering partial rounds 4 High Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Create DB backup script Create DB backup script 4 High Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Display Simple Graphs Display Simple Graphs 4 High Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Enable Personal Data Dump Enable Personal Data Dump 4 High Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Refactor GolfStatsServices Refactor GolfStatsServices 4 High Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Degrade Pages Gracefully Degrade Pages Gracefully 3 Medium Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Display played courses Display played courses 3 Medium Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Expand on about golfstats Expand on about golfstats 3 Medium Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Fancier rounds summary Fancier rounds summary 3 Medium Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Load static content from full name Load static content from full name 3 Medium Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Create Common config file Create Common config file 2 Low Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Enable Google Analytics Enable Google Analytics 2 Low Ryan Ahearn  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
537447 #537447 no doctype breaks IE 5 Low Ryan Ahearn  10 Fix Released
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