Registered by Ted

A simple program to help users instill habits. It asks users once a day if they've succeeded in sticking to a new habit. If they fail, the clock is reset and they have to start over from square one.

Non-free web services exist that track users as they attempt to learn a habit, by keeping a counter of how many days they've successfully performed that habit, and resetting that counter if users fail to perform that habit.

This is a free software desktop program that duplicates the functionality of those services. It has no network usage, but is licensed under the AGPLv3, so that any derived web services (not that any should exist -- this software is basic) will be free.

This program is intended primarily as a vehicle for the author to play with python, pygtk, and quickly, so use it at your own risk.

A PPA for this project exists here:

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Habit Tracker's Developers
GNU Affero GPL v3

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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