Registered by Tim Cook

An open source suite of tools to manage and govern the development and publication of constraint definitions (archetypes, templates, guidelines, etc) based on the MLHIM Reference Model.

This project is intended to leverage existing open source tools and applications to build a robust content management framework that can be translated into any language and delivered to any country.

The world's most popular and most extensible open source CMS (Plone); has been chosen as the primary platform. The primary use of HKCR is to coordinate the work by domain experts in developing Concept Constraint Definitions (CCDs). HKCR also will perform the task of converting the graphical file into a CCD (XML Schema). The various global installations of HKCR will use RSS to announce the publication of each of the CCDs in its repository to the central server at This will provide a service similar to the DNS where discovery of any CCD can be accomplished to provide for the retrieval of CCDs that were not created locally but are referred to by received instance data.

Installation instructions are here:

Project information

GNU GPL v3, Mozilla Public Licence, Python Licence, Zope Public Licence, Creative Commons - Attribution

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
Python, C

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